/ / Show "Baby-2": biography of participants, photo

Shows "Patsanki-2": biography of participants, photo

The incredible success of the first part of the project under thethe name "School of Lady" led to the appearance of the second season. The school of true ladies led by the director of international model agency Laura Lukina again opened her doors for non-ideal girls. Many of the project participants grew up in the provinces, did not learn good manners. Among the participants - otorov, bitch, patsanki. Someone did not know the love of parents, someone was deprived of understanding by peers, someone became a hostage of his own misfortune. So who are they, the participants of season 2 "Patsanok"? Photos, biographies and problems of girls - in this article!

Ksenia Varnosova

This participant of the TV show was born in June1994 in Perm. Despite the fact that Ksyusha grew up in an atmosphere of love and care, she could not reconcile herself with the fact that the waiting room. The fact is that this participant of "Patsanok-2" was born in a dysfunctional family. Already at a young age she had to go through many tests. As a result, Xenia took her aunt to her family. After that, the girl met her father one more time, but this meeting did not bring her joy.

patsanka 2 participants biography

After that, she stopped trustingmen and chose for themselves the image of an aggressive and unfeminine person. This participant of the teleproject studies in PSPU, plays football and basketball, has mastered the martial art of kung fu. The decision to become a student of an unusually school was conscious - Ksenia dreams of parting with the past and changing her life for the better.

Mary J

The real name of this participant is "Patsanok-2" (Russia)- Marina Chaplygin. A girl was born in Moscow in February 1999. The main thing in the life of the capital's beauty - parties, spirits and promiscuity. The reason, the girl claims, is the parents' indifference. The closest people did not bring up Marina, they preferred to give her to the nurse. And so today the girl hides anger at her mother and father.

girls 2 season participants biography

By the way, she has a sister whocardinally different from Mary. Communication with her is the only thing that connects the participant of season 2 of the show "Patsanka" with her family. About her appearance herself, Mary Jah says: her bright image is just a mask behind which loneliness and pain lurks.

Victoria Konstantinova

"Die Hard" is what Victoria is calledKonstantinov, the participant of "Patsanok-2". She was born in April 1992. The biography of this girl is full of various facts that can shock people. For example, the girl's father is a well-known criminal authority. It was to him that she tried to imitate from the very childhood: she tried to speak in his voice and showed his character.

patsanka 2 season participants biography russia

To date, Victoria works in a taxithe city of Krasnoyarsk. Virtually all road users are familiar with the aggressive style of driving a girl. Another way to earn Victoria - fist fights. Complement the image of the little girl's short haircut. What led the girl to the TV project? The desire to find love!

Ekaterina Sheleg

This girl in the School of the Lady led the desire to becomeknown. She was born in Moscow in 1995. After Catherine graduated from the gymnasium, she entered the RosNow Institute. In addition, there are facts from the creative biography of the participant "Patsanok 2" - Catherine simply adores singing. She actively shoots videos with her songs and puts it in her microblogging.

young girls 2 participants

Funds for life Catherine earns verynon-standard way - she works in a strip club. Another way to earn the girl simply does not see, and therefore she does not plan to refuse private dances. However, her plans are truly grandiose - Katya Sheleg wants to become a megapopular singer.

Xenia Budalina

Biography of the participant "Patsanok-2" began in 1994year in Kurgan. Ksyusha never had a good relationship with close people: her parents did not understand and did not support the girl, and so she grew up to be a terrible egoist.

2 girls of the season

Among the hobbies of Xenia - American football,shooting with a pistol. Not bad, she knows how to create problems for others. Familiar patsanks say that she is a real witch. Therefore, the project is simply necessary for it.

Tatiana Buraya

This little girl was born in Voronezh.The main dream of Tatiana is moving to St. Petersburg. The girl dreams of becoming a multiplier. However, all this is still an empty dream, because in the biography of the participant "Patsanok-2" there is not a single step towards this goal. Even the university did not choose the girl herself - instead of her mother did it. By the way, it is Mother who takes all decisions for Tanya. Relations between close people are not easy to develop, and therefore the girl prefers not to talk about them.

пацанки 2 members Russia

In their hometown, Tatyana Buruyu is known exclusivelyas she is torn off: she indulges in psychoactive substances, arranges fights, steals things and products. They do not even let her into Voronezh's nightclubs! Will teachers be able to change Tatyana? Time will tell!

Ekaterina Choroshenko

Despite the fact that this girl is a nativecultural capital, it is not easy to call her an intelligent young lady. For the sake of justice it is worth noting that the blame for this is the sad facts from the biography of the participant "Patsanok-2". Katya was born in May 1993 in a military family. The father of the house was always absent, but when he appeared on the doorstep, scandals and fights began. I got the mother of the girl, my brothers. Yes, and Catherine herself often fell under the hot hand.

show party members 2 season

Perhaps this is what caused thethe girl began to see certain "essences" capable of prompting her future. The participant of the show is fond of palmistry, guesses on Tarot cards, owns martial arts.

Anastasia Kuznetsova

Biography of the participant of season 2 "Patsanok" is fulltragic facts. At 14, Nastia was left completely alone - her father died, and her mother did not want to raise a girl. From a young age, the little girl takes care of herself. She lives in a small communal apartment with two dogs.

patsanka 2 participants biography

After finishing school, Anastasia became a cook, but inplans for her - a career in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. True, it is unlikely that an aggressive girl becomes a deputy, able to come to work in a state of intoxication and ready to get involved in a fight. To change herself, Nastya came to the School of the Lady.

Maria Kuzmina

This participant from St. Petersburg only at first glanceseems like an angel. In fact, her character is far from being angelic. Like many other kids, problems began in childhood - the girl went to school when parents decided to divorce. After graduating from school in Saratov, Masha entered the Medical University of her native city, but could not finish even the first year. She moved to St. Petersburg, where she now lives with her friend.

patsanka 2 participants biography

Masha has a difficult relationship with her mother, does not add upand with representatives of the stronger sex. All his time the boy spends working for a barman and communication in cheerful companies. One of the main problems of Mary is alcohol dependence. Bars can last for more than a week! The girl is sure: if she can overcome the unhealthy cravings, she will have a personal life and career.

Maria Ivanova

Muscovite Masha Ivanova was born in July1998. As soon as the girl turned 13, she was forced to leave her home - her parents simply kicked her out. The reason was Masha's dishonesty. Since then, the girl remains alone. She does not communicate with her mother at all, attempts to maintain a relationship with her father are limited to short dialogues about how people develop their business.

young girls 2 participants

It is the constant wanderings that led to the fact thatthe girl constantly participates in brawls, swears with mate, herself makes tattoos. But this is not a complete list of Maria's hobbies. She loves the game Dota, riding a long board and leading a vlog. At the Lady's School, the girl brought fatigue from an idle lifestyle.

Sofi Beridze

Biography of the participant of season 2 "Patsanok" (Russia)by the name of Sofi Beridze can be safely called the most scandalous. Of course, at first glance, Sophie seems very affectionate and feminine. However, in the third edition of the project, she admitted that she was actually born a boy Diego! The fact is that in fact Sophie is a transgender. A girl dreams of an operation to change sex.

show party members 2 season

The nature of the girl is aggressive, quick-tempered.Perhaps the reason lies in the strict upbringing that is characteristic of Georgian families. My father brought up Sophie as a boy - he drove football with her, went to sports competitions. The main goal of the girl is to get rid of masculine character, shyness and excessive shyness.

Kira Screw

The real name of this girl is Karina Sinitsyna.The little girl was born in Petrozavodsk, but now she lives in the cultural capital. Biography of the participant "Patsanok-2" is sad - she practically does not communicate with her parents: during the hard times for Kira, the family literally turned away from the girl.

young girls 2 participants

Often, Karina is experiencing financial difficulties,find a good job it is difficult because of the non-standard appearance. In addition, the patsanka has serious problems with alcohol. The only way to make money is to play music on the street.

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