On the verge of graduating from school, young peoplethink about the choice of a demanded specialty. Those young people who have an analytical mindset can link their future with banking, sales, personnel management and many other industries. One of these specialties is trade. Commerce by industry - what is this profession? In this article you will find an exhaustive answer to your question.
Sales surround us everywhere:in the metro, at school, at work, on the way home, at social events. Businessmen sell goods, services and even trainings to build their own business. Advertising from billboards convinces a person of the advisability of buying a new vacuum cleaner, and on the radio a pleasant female voice calls the address of a new veterinary clinic, which is sure to be taken away by your pet.
The era of trade and market relations is on thepedestal, which she is not going to leave. In these conditions, the labor market desperately needs skilled personnel who will take their jobs.
You might think that one is enough for salesonly a gift of persuasion and talent, but this is not always the case. A specialist with a profile diploma will have a competitive advantage among colleagues in terms of career growth and high income prospects. Also, a certified businessman comes already trained in his workplace, he does not have to go into the process for a very long time, as many aspects of his work will be worked out in practice. If a person has the urge to work in a trade, then he should definitely raise his level, get an education, in order to improve his makings.
A graduate of a college or university by specialty"Kommersant" should be ready to become a professional in the sale of goods or services. Upon graduation from a university or a specialized secondary educational institution, he will be able to organize the process of marketing and promotion of goods among consumers, as well as to resolve all legal aspects of sales.
Among the many useful professions in this fieldhuman activity a special place is occupied by commerce by industry. What is this profession, what are the main competencies of a specialist, where to work with such a diploma? The application of this knowledge is possible in many areas. A young specialist can organize the commercial activity of online stores, provide purchase and sale of goods and services, create assortment, document trade transactions, provide solutions to organizational, economic and socio-psychological problems of the enterprise, study supply and demand in the market and even hire sellers, forwarders and much more.
Let's figure it out, man with what traitscharacter and skills will be able to master the specialty "Commerce" by industry. What kind of profession is this, and who should work for a young specialist after receiving a diploma? The most important thing that will be required from a person who entered this faculty is enterprise, persistence in achieving goals, ability to make decisions very quickly, and sometimes not only for himself, but also for the whole team. If all these qualities are inherent in you, then a good addition will be communication skills and organizational skills, because working all his life on the position of sales manager is not the limit of dreams.
Also it is necessary to develop your RAM,so as not to get confused in all these bar codes, overhead and regulatory documents. As in any other profession, a businessman can find himself in a stressful situation, from which one must be able to get out as painlessly as possible thanks to emotional-volitional stability and concentration. Get a job with this diploma can be very easy. Such specialists will be happy to accept the companies of Internet commerce, purchasing departments, wholesale and retail trade organizations, services and hotel and restaurant business. Here is a profitable business - commerce by industry. What is this profession? Alumni feedback will help you better understand this issue.
Among most people there is an opinion thatthe specialty "Commerce" is an ordinary seller. This opinion is erroneous. With a profile education, you can achieve career growth and advance in high positions. So, the philologist will never become the head of the department for personnel management, and the lawyer - the chief accountant. Everything is logical and simple. Do you want your own business? This profession is the best way to get the knowledge necessary for a startup, which can not be pulled from the Internet. So many graduates are businessmen.
We figured out what the "Commerce" specialty is by industry, what kind of profession it is. Photos of typical merchants flaunt in the pages of the magazine Forbes and The Guardian.
In order to have this education, you must complete one of these educational institutions:
Higher education in this area will provide the necessary knowledge and will open the door to a great economic relationship.