/ / Things on Puja: The Secret of Popularity

Things on Puja: the secret of popularity

Pooj is the most popular hero in Dota 2. Accordingly, things on this character are very much appreciated in the gaming community.

Why is Puj so popular?

Есть несколько основных факторов, которые влияют on the popularity of this character. The first reason is that the Puj is a rather interesting and unpredictable hero. If the team has a puja, then you never know what the game will turn out to be. In addition, an interesting mechanics of abilities (in particular a hook) attracts many gamers.

Вторая причина такой популярности связана с самым a major tournament on Dota 2 - The International. Many teams became famous during the first international tournament for DotA 2, but the Ukrainian Na'Vi team earned the greatest fame thanks to its leader named Daniil Dendi Ishutin. The dandy, due to his masterful play on the Puja, led the team to victory. Millions of gamers around the world were inspired by the game of the legendary cyber sportsman and decided to test their playing skills on this character. As a result, the Pooja remains to this day the most frequently chosen hero in Dota 2.

Why are things at Puja so expensive?

Things to do in Puja

As many know, items for The puja is quite expensive.With what is it connected? One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the popularity of the hero himself. The more popular the character, the more willing it will be to purchase sets. The guys from the company Valve in time realized this simple truth and made things at the Puja several times more expensive.

But it's silly to say that the high price is connectedonly with the high popularity of the hero. The main reason is the quality of objects. Valve always understood what burden of responsibility they are holding on their shoulders before the players. It is for this reason that things on the Puja have always been a standard of quality. Beautiful texture, excellent color scale, delightful detailing - all this was inherent in the sets on the Puja. Valve did an incredible job on the items for this character. Accordingly, they wanted their work to be paid on merit. It is for this reason that in Dota 2 things on the pooja are so expensive.

The best sets for Puja

Gladiator "s Revenge - quite an interesting set onPuja from the well-known team Na'Vi, created by the player under the name Virgl. The set itself is made in the style of Ancient Rome, where the Puja is an eerie and threatening gladiator. You can buy Gladiator's Revenge on the trading floor for $ 23.

Things at Puja Dota

Murder of Crows - one of the most popular sets,released in honor of the release of a documentary about Dota 2 - Free to Play. Seth was developed in partnership with Dendi, who directly participated in the creation. On the trading floor Murder of Crows can be purchased for $ 5.

Chains of the Black Death – отличный сет и мечта many players. It is noteworthy that the set, in addition to its appearance, changes the icons of abilities, gives additional styles for the hook and armor. To get the Chains of the Black Death, you have to pay no less than 10 dollars.

The best things for Puja

Dragonclaw Hook - this is one of the mostin-demand items in Dota 2. This item is popular both among ordinary users and among professional players, traders. The price of the Dragonclaw Hook constantly fluctuates between 100-200 dollars.

Rotten Stache - another popular item forPuja, who want in their collection, many gamers. Unfortunately, for most players this is an unattainable dream. After all, not everyone is ready to give about 56 dollars for this item.

Bloodstained Britches - quite interestingA subject that is popular among people playing on the Puja. This item is perfectly compatible with Dragonclaw Hook and Rotten Stache. You can buy Bloodstained Britches on the trading floor for only $ 4.

The result

Dota 2 things on the puja

Things on the Puja ("Dota") are veryclaimed among players. This phenomenon is directly related to the popularity of this hero. In addition, a huge role in the popularization of the Puja was played by the famous cyber-sport Dendi. Also, the popularity of sets for this character was influenced by developers and designers from the company Valve, who did exceptionally high-quality things on the Puja.

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