/ / How to redirect from http to https, and why?

How to make a redirect from http to https, and why is it necessary?

More and more sites are looking to move tonew https protocol. This new fashion is also picked up by search engines that rank above sites with this security protocol. Hosting offers services in the form of providing free certificates, the corresponding plug-ins for content management systems come out. Therefore, every webmaster can easily switch to the new protocol and implement a redirect from http to https in Bitrix, WordPress and other CMS. But what is it for?

redirect from http to https

What does the transition from HTTP to HTTPS?

The introduction of a new security protocol for a site can occur for three reasons:

  1. Confidentiality. The Internet is an open environment, and https hereprotects communication between the parties. In the absence of HTTPS, the owner of the access point will have access to private data: credit cards (when making a purchase in an online store, for example).
  2. Integrity. Https protocol ensures that informationwill be delivered to the addressee intact. For example, the owner of Wi-Fi will be able to insert "left" ads on the site, change the appearance of the site and compress the pictures to save traffic. But if the site has HTTPS, then this ensures that the site will not be changed.
  3. Authenticity. The certificate ensures that the visited site is truly authentic.

That is, the https protocol ensures that allinformation will be transmitted entirely and accurately to the address. No one can change the information when it is transmitted. This is especially true for various online stores and payment services.

https protocol

Certification also provides positiveimpact on website promotion in search engines. Therefore, many webmasters receive security certificates for their sites. But after receiving face the problem - setting. It’s not enough just to get a certificate, you need to correctly redirect all traffic to the new domain and "tell" this to the search engines. How to do it?


Before you create a redirect from http to https,need to prepare a site. The very first action is to make internal links relative. That is, it is necessary to remove the symbols "http: //" at the beginning of the link. You can also add the letter "s" to the specified characters so that all your articles refer to the version of the site with the security protocol, but this must be done after the final transition of the site.

htaccess redirect from https to http

Make it easy.Now there are many programs for different content management systems, which in a couple of seconds will make all the links on the site relative. For example, for the popular Wodpress system there is an HTTP / HTTPS Remover plugin.


After installing the certificate and setting up externallinks, it is advisable to check whether the certificate has become correct. This can be done using a special service ssllabs.com. There you need to enter the domain name of the site, click on the Sabmit button, after which the system will show an estimate of the connection settings and give advice on solving possible problems. If the Overall Rating parameter has an “A” rating, then everything is fine and your security certificate is good.

Setting up a redirect from http to https

Search engines perceive sites withHTTPS certificate and without it as two completely different sites. Therefore, setting up a redirect from http to https is required. This procedure is equal to the change of domain. At the same time, forwarding must be configured directly and it is important that it does not contain intermediate documents. Otherwise chains of redirects may be formed, which can confuse search engines. Naturally, this will negatively affect the perception of the site and will not bring any benefit.

redirect from http to https in bitrix

Самый простой вариант - редактировать файл htaccess. A redirect from HTTP to HTTPS using this file is done if the site is hosted on an Apache server. It is necessary to write the following lines in the file:

y ... u

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond% {https} off

RewriteRule (. *) Https: //% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI}

y ... u

You can simply copy and paste into your htaccess file. Recall that it is at the root of your site and is always present on sites running Apache.

By registering this code, check whetherearned a redirect from http to https. To do this, simply go to any page of the site and see if you are redirected to a domain with an https certificate. If so, walk through the other pages.

Now, when the search engine robot hits theyour site, it will be automatically redirected to the https version. It will take him time to understand what's what and to enter this data into his algorithm. Usually, the perception of the transition and redirect from http to https takes about a month from the Yandex search engine, although Google takes a week or two to go.

Remember that it is not always the transition to https issuccessful. Sites of some webmasters after this procedure strongly fall on positions in search engines, drop out of the index and then again fall into it very soon. Sometimes you have to sacrifice a large amount of traffic, and many webmasters are extremely unhappy with the result of the transition. The TIC is also reset, and although it is then restored, at the time of its resetting, the site looks very bad in the eyes of advertisers.

However, most often the redirect passes almostpainlessly and quickly. “Yandex” for a month “sticks together” the site and its mirror, and as a result all traffic returns, but to the new domain with the https prefix.


Рано или поздно переходить на новый протокол security will have to. Soon it will become one of the key requirements of search engines, which simply will not rank highly sites with the protocol http. So why not do it before your competitors do? Yes, at first it will be hard, and you will likely lose some of the traffic, but in the long run you will definitely win. At least, so say the representatives of the search engines. There is no reason not to believe them. And in general, the transition to https is the improvement of your site in terms of security.

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