/ / How do I reset the administrator password?

How do I reset the administrator password?

Let's talk about how it will be betterreset the administrator password. This is necessary when you forget it, or the installer made a surprise by setting this password to log in. If it is a password of a user who is not an administrator, then there is the possibility to circumvent it with the help of the following trick. When the system boots, and you see the Windows welcome screen, double-click the "Ctrl-Alt-Del".When the corresponding window appears, type in Latin letters in the field for the name "administrator", with no need to fill in the password line. When you log in, change or reset the password for the correct user as administrator.

administrator password reset

True, reset the administrator passwordWindows 7 will be much more complicated. If you do not have a bootable flash drive or disk, nothing will work. In this situation, you need some software. It is worth noting that the password reset administrator Windows XP is carried out in the same way as for the Seven. So, you should have a program called ERD Commander. Boot with the disk, while missing the initialization of the network in order to speed up the process. Further through the "Start" menu you must enter the system settings, where you need to select the Locksmith Wizard.

Before your eyes there should be a window wherefrom the list of accounts, select the one you want. Under it, set a new password and confirm it, after which you must click on the "Next" button. Then the system notifies you that the password has been successfully changed, and then you need to confirm the settings by clicking on the "Finish" button. Exit the program in your usual way, through the "Start" menu (here you have to choose the reboot). When the computer restarts, you can use the new password.

If you want to reset your passwordAdministrator using the Live CD, which includes the above program, you need to do the following: go to the program directory using the "Start" menu, then select the Windows directory in the system partition of the hard drive. After that, you must change and confirm the password that you are going to set for a specific account in this operating system.

reset administrator password Windows 7

If you are logged on as athe account of a user with limited rights, and thus it is urgently required to reset the administrator password himself, then this can be done using the command-line interpreter (emulator). To do this, we call it via the "Start" menu by entering the "cmd" command. Then enter the following commands: "control userpasswords2", after which you must press the enter key. Next, you will be presented with a window responsible for user accounts.

Windows XP Administrator password reset

We find in it a graph called"Users", there we select the necessary line of the administrator or some other user. You should remove the "tick" in the line, which requires the user name and password. After that, confirm the settings by pressing the "OK" button. Reboot your device and check for any changes.

In this way, the administrator password is reset. To avoid these unnecessary manipulations, write down the password on paper and store it in a place where no one can detect it.

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