Многие владельцы компьютеров, приобретая на рынке office equipment inkjet printer, definitely already heard from the sellers about the accessories of CISS. What it is, how it works and what is needed, you can find out in this article. Also, the reader is invited to read the instructions for installing this wonderful and useful device.
The reader in any case before buying a printeralready had time to get acquainted with the technologies of printing and probably knows about the inkjet and laser technology. Therefore, there is no point in describing their advantages and disadvantages. It is better to immediately switch to an accessory CISS. What it is? This is an abbreviation, and it stands for "a continuous ink supply system."
Всем пользователям известно, что в струйных printers, the printhead is connected to cartridges that contain ink. The colors themselves are small and they need to be refilled constantly. So the installation CISS solves all the problems of the user with ink pouring into cartridges. From the outside it looks like a system of communicating vessels between large cans of paint and built-in containers of the printer.
As for the continuous feed system itselfink, then on the market it is present in two variations. First, such an accessory is presented to the buyer as an independent solution that is compatible with most well-known printers and multifunction devices. True, the manufacturers of office equipment do not welcome such a decision and quickly void the warranty of any user who decided to install their own CISS independently.
Also on the market can be found combineddevice assembly. Printers and multifunction printers with CISS are quite popular in the middle and expensive price segment. Such devices were originally designed for printing large amounts of information in color, so the manufacturer himself is already interested in the fact that the buyer purchased his product for professional use.
Having dealt with the CISS (what it is and how it islooks), it's time to start directly to review the characteristics of the device itself. Oddly enough, the volume of containers is not important here. Unlike the built-in cartridges located on the print head of a printer, cans of the continuous ink supply system are always available for maintenance. Even in the process of printing, the user can safely pour the paint into the containers.
The basic indicator in the CISS is ergonomics.It is the ease of installation of this accessory or placing it on the table near the printer is interesting to all buyers without exception. Options on the market abound. Some manufacturers offer strapped plastic containers, other vendors provide a complete unit that can be placed away from the printer. Naturally, the latter option is preferable, since the printer itself claims to take up a lot of space on the desktop.
Plastic containers and lots of tubes,found in the box when purchasing a CISS will certainly introduce even an advanced user into a stupor. Yes, Chinese manufacturers do not spoil their customers with the collected solutions. Therefore, many experts in the field of office equipment and printing recommend users to purchase only branded products from well-known manufacturers of consumables. At least, for such products in the kit there is always an instruction for installing CISS.
Yes, you can make installation on your own,following the user manual found on the Internet. Only there are no guarantees that the device owner will be able to properly connect the cartridges to the tubes without disturbing the air exchange system of the bypass valve (the only reason for the inability to commission the CISS by the user).
Builders build houses, electricians work withelectricity, and the installation of a system of continuous ink supply to the printer must be done by experienced computer scientists who have the appropriate experience. At least, almost all users think so.
The main thing is to follow only one rule.Before installing a CISS on a multifunction printer or printer, a potential buyer must agree on the area of responsibility of the two vendors and the person who will do the installation. In case of failure, someone will have to bear responsibility for the damage and reimburse the cost of the buyer. Experts in the field of information technology recommend to purchase a printing device and CISS from one seller and his own installation.
Yes, there are situations when the userit is necessary to independently solve problems with the maintenance of computer equipment. Installing a CISS is quite real at home. The main thing here is to be patient, have instructions on hand and follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer.
The main task of the user is to controlink levels in cartridges - in no case should air be allowed to enter the print head. If this happens, you must immediately carry the printer to a service center. As for the connection, then everything is simple - to connect the containers with cartridges with tubes and, following the rule "about communicating vessels", fill the cartridges with paint. To remove excess air from the tanks, open the bypass valve.
Virtually every owner of an MFP with CISSrecommends that future buyers pay attention to the manufacturer. The fact is that there are many products on the market that are represented by unscrupulous manufacturers. The problem of all CISS is the same - the system of communicating vessels does not work properly, and to pump ink into the cartridge it is necessary to constantly raise the container with the system of continuous ink supply.
You need to pay attention to the compatibility of CISS witha printer. Most well-known manufacturers in the product specification always indicate the list of models of printers and MFPs that are supported by the device. Naturally, this recommendation should be used.
Do not forget that for any CISSinstruction must be present on a mandatory basis. It does not matter who will install, the user or the seller. The presence of the manual provides some guarantee to the owner that he has at hand is still a certified device, and not a fake.
Acquainted with CISS (what is it for whatit is necessary and how to install it), we can conclude that this device is still in demand among users who have an inkjet printer or an MFP at hand. Definitely printing from large containers will allow any owner of office equipment to save not only finances, but also time to refill cartridges.