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Tips on how to polish your own car

how to polish a car with your own hands
If your car has lost its original shine,small scratches and chips appeared on its surface, then it is worth thinking about polishing the car. This will not be difficult. You can contact the auto repair service, where for a certain amount your car will be brought into proper form. And you can use the recommendations on how to polish the car with your own hands. So, try to give the paintwork a shining look.

How to polish the car with your own hands: assess the nature of damage

First you need to make sure that the details do not requirerepainting. Small scratches, abrasions can be removed by yourself. If you use the method of abrasive polishing, then know that the process removes the layer of enamel about 5 microns thick. Factory painting is made with a thickness of 100-150 microns, that is, you can use 10-15 polishing cycles and be sure that you will not reach the ground layer. To be completely sure that the polish will not wipe the enamel "to the holes", measure the thickness of the paint in several places using a thickness gauge. If everything is normal, go to the choice of polishes.

How to polish the car with your own hands: the choice of materials

how to polish the car yourself

Для того, что правильно выбрать пасту для polishing, should pay attention to the nature of the damage. If there is a grid of small scratches, then a restorative polish is needed - an abrasive and a mixture containing a reduced amount of grinding particles. With deep scratches, polishes with a color-enriching effect are well suited. If the problem is in dark spots on the coating, then a restorative paste without grinding particles will suffice. In addition to polishing you need to choose the right grinding wheel. For each pasta it is its own. After polishing the coating becomes thinner and requires additional protection in the form of a special paste. It should be selected in accordance with the color of your car.

How to polish the car with your own hands: surface preparation

You picked up the right materials.But before you polish the car yourself, you first need to properly prepare it. First, wash and dry the car body. Remove marks from midges, bitumen and anticorrosion. You can use special formulations or ordinary white spirit. If you are polishing on the street, then choose a non-sunny weather, without rain, with a comfortable temperature. If possible, it is best to polish in a garage or a special box with a good hood. Provide good lighting, otherwise some defects may go unnoticed. Glide deep scratches and chips before the primer with a special tape.

polishing cars on their own
How to polish the car with your own hands: the performance of work

Polishing can be done manually or withpower tools. With the manual method, the paste is applied on a special lint-free napkin and pounded on the body. Then you need to wait some time to dry the composition and perform a circular polishing before the appearance of gloss. Pay attention to the specified drying time on the jar with pasta. Compliance with the recommendations will achieve a better result. Polishing a car on its own with deep scratches requires the use of additional tools. It is best to use a grinding machine, if you do not have it at your disposal, then a drill with a special nozzle is suitable. This polishing is done first with an abrasive paste to remove strong scratches, then with a “soft” mixture to create shine. After polishing, apply a protective layer on the surface.

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