Many Internet users who downloadMovies, games, etc. from the torrent, are familiar with the appearance of the most popular problem that the uTorrent program forms - the disk is overloaded. In most cases, the reason for stopping the download is the banal exhaustion of free space on the local disk where the download takes place. This results in a warning that the HDD is overloaded. It is necessary to take into account that by default all downloaded data is saved to the main section "C". And then in no case should not panic, since this problem is not difficult to solve. However, incorrectly configured client parameters can also serve as causes, and this will require the user who wants to correct the error and prevent its occurrence in the future with certain knowledge and actions.
Owners of small disks
Most often the “victims” are warnings fromuTorrent "Disk overloaded" become the owners of the "screws" with a small volume. What can be advised in such cases? First of all, you need to pay attention to where the torrent client is installed and whether there were any manipulations with its configuration. The fact is that presets cause downloading files from the Internet to disk “C”, and since the system, program files and the desktop occupy a large place on it, it may be best to change the settings so that the received data is saved to disk “ D. In order to do this, in the program window, select “Settings” - “Configuration” - “Folders”. In the window that opens, the user can specify where he would like to download. This will significantly reduce the load on the section "C" and prevent the appearance of the inscription in uTorrent "Disk is overloaded."
A set of measures to increase free space on the "C" disk
In most cases, the user will be helped andregular cleaning of the system from unnecessary files. The fact is that browsing the web and the work of various applications creates the appearance of a large number of temporary files that “clog up” free space. In addition, you must not forget to constantly clean the basket, delete old downloads, etc. You can still transfer to disk "D" those programs that take up a lot of space. For example, "Photoshop" and others.
Owners of large disks
Если на компьютере установлен жесткий диск large message and the message from uTorrent "disk is overloaded", in such cases, as a rule, it is enough just to delete all unnecessary files. However, if this does not help, then most likely, the disk simply does not cope with the speed of data flow. In such cases, you can manually reduce the download speed or reconfigure the torrent client cache. To do this, go to "Settings" - "Advanced" - "Caching" and increase the value of the parameter set there.
The best version of uTorrent
To the owners of bulk hardthe disks did not have such and other problems associated with downloading, and also for all users, the data acquisition rate was as high as possible, most torrent trackers recommend using version 1.8.2, which demonstrates the most successful combination between functionality and capabilities. In addition, many web resources offer to download already configured versions of the uTorrent program, allowing you to achieve the maximum effect.