/ / How to make infinite ammo in CS GO and where to use them?

How to make infinite ammo in CS GO and where to use them?

Cartridges in computer games - this is very biga problem, since they are almost always lacking. So you have to think about when and how much to spend, as well as where to find some more ammunition. This is especially unpleasant in games such as CS GO, since there you need to buy all the cartridges yourself, spending the money you earned. Naturally, everyone would like to have an unlimited supply of ammunition, never to think that they may run out. And almost every gamer thought about how to make infinite ammo in CS GO. This is quite possible, but there are some very important points that you should never forget. You will learn about them from this article.

Cheat command activation

how to make infinite ammo in cs go

It's no secret that CS GO hasconsole in which you can enter commands. These can be those that change control, add certain functions, and so on. However, please note that there are also such commands that are prohibited on all servers, since they are cheat. And if you are interested in how to make infinite ammunition in CS GO, then you should contact them. However, how to do it? First of all, you need to activate the cheat input mode - without it, your teams will simply not be perceived by the game. To activate it, you need to enter in the console the command sv_cheats, for which you need to set the value to 1. After that you can enter absolutely any commands, including cheaters. If you set the value to 0, then disable this feature. Well, the first step has been taken, but now you have to learn the most important thing - how to make infinite ammunition in CS GO.

Infinite ammo

team endless ammo cs go

If you want to learn how to make endlesscartridges in CS GO, then you need to familiarize yourself with another team that looks like this - sv_Infinite_ammo. As in the previous case, you need to set this command to 1 to activate it, 0 to disable it. If set to 1, then when firing from any type of weapon, you will not be taken away from ammunition, so that you can fire at enemies as long as you want. This is a very useful feature, as it opens up a large number of new opportunities for you - this is such a great team. Infinite CS GO ammo is a good training option.

Endless rounds training

 cs go codes endless ammo

As you well know, by no meanscannot be used in CS GO codes. Infinite ammo is ideal for training, since you can hone accuracy, ambushes, direct combat and other options without thinking about various aspects, including the number of cartridges you have in the holder. This way, you can download bots offline, activate endless ammo, and hone your skills before going online. However, in no case can you transfer this cheat online. Why? Now you will know about it.

Ban for cheats

Cheats are teams that activate a player.certain abilities that put him above other gamers. Accordingly, he gets the advantage is absolutely unfair, and CS GO is a competitive game. And if you use cheats, then you will be banned very quickly. To begin with, they will give you a so-called “red sign” that will prevent you from playing CS GO for a certain time. But if you continue to use cheats, you can get a VAC-ban, and this is a much more serious thing. He is given for life, and while you can not use the game you bought - it is blocked forever. You will have to create a new account and buy the game again to re-join the process. So use cheats for endless ammo and so on, only in offline mode with bots, and play fair with gamers.

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