/ / In the "Mafia 2" how many chapters and what determines the percentage of passage?

In the "Mafia 2" how many chapters and what determines the percentage of passing?

Fans of the Mafia game series know that they do notwill have to carry out missions or to look for who will give them the next quest. The fact is that this game is divided into full chapters, each of which tells a separate piece of the full story. As a result, the passage is a full story, and in the "Mafia" the story can be called simply masterpiece, as it is extremely dramatic, eventful, all characters are worked out to the smallest detail, as well as the relationship between them.

in the mafia 2 how many chapters

However, during the passage of the second part of the game,Many gamers are wondering how many chapters are in the "Mafia 2". The problem in this case is that with full passage in the menu it is displayed that only 70 percent of the game is completed. What's the matter? How many chapters really are in this project?

Subdivision into chapters

As all gamers know perfectly, almost allGames are divided into specific parts that allow you to structure the narration. Each project is characterized by its division, and you will find the chapters in "Mafia 2". How many chapters in this game? This question tormented many, the narrative is not completely completed, that's why the problem arises for fans of this project. Many gamers can not figure out the division in "Mafia 2". How many chapters in this game? Now you will learn all about it.

Number of chapters

chapter mafia 2

So, now we will consider one of the mosttopical issues in the "Mafia 2". How many chapters in this game? Answer: they are fifteen. The fact is that most gamers go through the whole game, ending on the fifteenth chapter, and begin to torment themselves with the question of whether this is really the end.

For such thoughts there are quite logicalgrounds. Firstly, this is the percentage of completeness of the game - for many gamers it is displayed in the vicinity of 70, so they immediately begin to wonder whether they have passed all the chapters of Mafia 2. Secondly, the plot ends at the most interesting place and does not approach the logical conclusion when the game ends. All this gives quite reasonable grounds to believe that in "Mafia 2" there are many more chapters than stated. But this is not so. Why? Now you will find out.

Percentage of completeness

First, you need to parse the problem with the percentagecompleteness of the game. If the player is interested in how many chapters in the "Mafia 2", because it shows at the end of the game that it is completed only by 70%, then the point here is not at all that some chapters are hidden or will be released later. In fact, the problem is that in this project there are special items that you need to collect in the course of the passage. This does not affect the outcome in any way or what will happen in the game, but if you collect all the "Playboy" magazines, as well as all the posters on which the search ad will be, then you will receive 100% of the passage. If your percentage is only 70 or a little higher, then you have to re-pass all (or only necessary) chapters in order to find hidden objects.

The incompleteness of the plot

how many chapters in the mafia 2

If you think that the story ended on the veryan interesting place, then you should think not about the lack of chapters in the second part of the game, but about the fact that a third part recently appeared in which you will be able to find answers to all your questions. Naturally, the storyline will not be continued, but in the third episode there will be enough references to the second part, revealing all the interesting secrets of the game. Accordingly, you can safely say that in the game "Mafia 2" there are exactly fifteen chapters that have an open ending, so you do not have any reason to try to find bonus levels on the network - they do not exist. Well, do not forget about the "Playboy" magazines and search trails that you need to collect, if you want to go through the game one hundred percent. Good luck!

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