/ / NVidia GeForce GT 640 Graphics Accelerator: Features, Reviews and Features

NVidia GeForce GT 640 Graphics Accelerator: Features, Reviews and Features

The 2012 mid-range graphics card with affordable price and acceptable technical specifications is all about the NVidia GeForce GT 640. adapter, of course, can not be called outstanding, but him availability in the computer at the time the sales began was quite enough to run most toys at that time. It is about this video card and its capabilities that will be discussed later.

nvidia geforce gt 640 specs

Niche of the graphics adapter

Graphical accelerators of the Californian company NVidia for stationary system blocks are conventionally divided into two large groups:

  • The solutions of premium-level with the maximumspeed, high power consumption and high cost. Also, the technical specifications in this respect are indeed beyond competition. Video cards of this group have abbreviation in the designation GTX.

  • The second group of graphic adapters in this leading manufacturer of such products is designated Gt; In this case, the performance of the video subsystemsignificantly lower technical specifications - more modest, and the price - more affordable. It is to this group of devices that the NVidia GeForce GT 640 belongs. The characteristics of this product are another proof.

Adapter Settings

Not bad (as for 2012) were the parameters in the NVidia GeForce GT 640. Features this computer component had the following:

  • Code code of the chip - GK107. Architecture - Kepler.
  • Production technology - 28 nm. The number of transistors - 1.3 billion pieces.
  • Operating frequency of the core and nuclei CUDA - 900 MHz.
  • Number of blocks CUDA - 384.
  • amount DARKNESS for each conveyor - 32.
  • Number of modules ROP - 16.
  • At the level of system software technology was supported DirectX and OpenGL. Their versions were respectively 11.0 and 4.3.
  • Number of ports - 3. 2 digital DVI (maximum image format - 2560 x 1600) and 1 analog - VGA (2048 x 1536).

video card nvidia geforce gt 640 specs

Graphics accelerator memory

In 2012, there was a gradual replacement of one type of RAM by another. If more specific - GDDR3 expelled from the market GDDR5. As a result, this model of graphicThe accelerator could be equipped with both the first type of RAM and the other. The minimum amount of RAM in this case was 1 GB, and the maximum RAM for NVidia GeForce GT 640 - 2Gb. Characteristics the video buffer controller indicates that it was oriented to memory chips with operating frequencies of 1800 MHz. As a result, it was most optimal on such accelerators to use GDDR3. But from using GDDR5 it was almost impossible to obtain an additional speed increase. The memory bus width of this graphics processor was 64 bits.

Thermal mode of the accelerator

At 49 W, there was a thermal package for the NVidia GeForce GT 640. Most analogous video cards indicatethat at this value of this parameter the cooling system can be passive. But this California company decided to reinsure and by default such accelerators were equipped with systems with active heat sink (that is, with a cooler). On the one hand, this approach allowed practically in any situation to avoid overheating of the video accelerator, and on the other hand added additional decibels to the overall noise level of the PC. The maximum allowable temperature for this accelerator was 95 0S. But the minimum power of the power supply system of the system unit was limited to 300 watts.

nvidia geforce gt 640 2gb specs


The main competitors of the hero of this revieware integrated in the CPU video adapters. Technical parameters for them are almost identical, as well as speed. Even the maximum number of them is identical to the NVidia GeForce GT 640 - 2 GB. The characteristics of the graphics processors themselves, they have a lot in what also coincide. The main advantage of built-in accelerators is that they are already initially included in the PC and they do not need to be purchased separately. But such a discrete graphics need to be purchased separately for an additional amount. Therefore, its acquisition is justified only if the system unit is repaired due to a malfunction of the existing video card in the shortest possible time and with the minimum possible costs.

The cost. Reviews

In a new state, such a computer accessoryit is already impossible to acquire: it itself has been withdrawn a long time ago, and warehouse stocks have been successfully sold. In the supported state, such an accelerator can be purchased at various trading platforms on the Internet at a price of 3000 to 3500 rubles. The feedback of most owners of such a computer component indicates, first of all, that the same level of performance has modern integrated graphics subsystems and NVidia GeForce GT 640. ASUS products under this brand have always been something very special against the background of competitors) released GT 640 in a special version with an improved cooling system. This is a model GT 640-2GD3. As a result, such adapters can be overclocked andto achieve at the expense of this certain gain in speed in relation to the modern integrated schedule. In the rest, as it was noted earlier, the technical parameters of the built-in video cards duplicate GT 640 and have similar performance.

nvidia geforce gt 640 asus specs


At the time of its release, a decent mid-range accelerator was the NVidia GeForce GT 640. it really was relevant and allowedrun most of the existing toys at that time. Now, this accelerator has gradually dropped into the segment of entry-level products and now it has to withstand integrated video subsystems. The latter have one important advantage: they are included in the PC initially and for them there is no need to pay extra.

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