/ / How to view and configure folder settings in Windows 10?

How to view and configure folder settings in Windows 10?

Как и в любой другой системе, в Windows 10 можно configure a variety of parameters related to directories and their contents. However, the folder options in Windows 10 have a slightly expanded view compared to other similar operating systems. And you can access the setting in several alternative ways.

Where are the folder options in Windows 10?

First of all, you should know the difference between the general parameters used for all folders and personalized settings for a particular directory.

folder options in windows 10

For the selected directory, the folder settings inWindows 10 can be viewed in the same way as in all other systems, using the right click on the directory in the standard "Explorer". However, if you want to view global settings or change the basic parameters of folders, other methods are used.

How to open folder options in Windows 10?

In the system, access to setting up folders is done in several basic ways, each of which duplicates any other.

where are the folder options in windows 10

In the simplest version, the parameters of the folder in Windows 10 can be viewed, if you use the “File” menu in the standard “Explorer”, where the parameter string is selected.

how to open folder options in windows 10

Exactly the same menu is called from the view section (again, in the "Explorer") when you click the "Parameters" button.

Another method is to use the “Panelcontrol ”of the classic look, access to which, in order not to walk in a roundabout way, is performed by the control command in the“ Run ”menu. Here you select the section of the "Explorer" parameters.

Finally, the folder settings in Windows 10 can bechange or configure as you wish, if in the “Control Panel” you set the display of elements by categories, select the design and personalization section, and then go to the “Explorer” options.

What can be learned from the settings?

As for changing the basic settings, herefor the user opens a wide field of activity. On the general settings tab, you can configure the way to open directories (single or double click, in the same or in different windows), use the display of the most frequently used directories in the “Quick Access Toolbar” or in the side panel of the file manager.

folder options in windows 10

Most settings on the tab view.Not to mention the inclusion of the display of hidden objects, there are several fields that many users simply do not pay attention. For example, for advanced anti-virus scanning or search, you can enable the display of system and protected files. You can also turn on the Windows Explorer call, as processes independent from each other, and even use the special Shared Access Wizard and much more.

Saving parameter changes will only affect the current active location, if you do not apply them to all folders (there is a special button for this).

Among other things, in the search settings onThe corresponding tab can be used to specify the desired parameters set by default (by name, by content) using analysis of archives or system directories, etc. In general, there are enough parameters.

Instead of the total

But in general, if we talk about preferredthe way to access the main parameters, for a specific directory, the easiest way is to use the right click, and for general settings relating to global parameters, the File or View menu, where you can go to the corresponding line or button. Logging in via the “Control Panel” looks quite long and most inconvenient, although in some cases when the context menu is turned off (and this happens), this method looks optimal. And you can not do without it if you need to restore files, folders and default settings when other methods do not work.

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