«Yandex" has recently become so popular,especially among users from Russia, that on the Internet there are more and more questions related to it. Someone can not download the browser, someone can not register the account, and there are those who have problems with setting up mail on Android. «Yandex" in this case - just a godsend. It allows you to quickly configure, register and install everything.
But first, let's briefly review the company itselfYandex. It was founded in 2000. Has the status of transnational. In addition to the search engine owns Internet portals and services in a couple of other countries. The most developed is considered in Russia, Belarus, Turkey and Kazakhstan. Until May 2017 was popular in Ukraine.
The search engine also does not lag behind. Noticeably inferior to "Google", but still remains the fourth worldwide in the activity of users.
In addition to searching, Yandex has a lot of services andadditions. Popular are: "Market", "Jams", "Maps". The largest services are: "Mail", "Money" and "News". How is the registration of "Yandex. Mail ", the use of this service, and how the configuration errors look, let us consider further.
The named service is absolutely free.It was launched together with the company in 2000. It quickly copes with spam on its own and can check messages through the Dr.Web antivirus filter. The system of translation of foreign letters is available.
According to the calculations of the company, per day through the servicethere are 130 million letters. Every month, 27 million people use mail. At the moment, the user sees the seventh version of the interface. There is also an application for a smartphone that can help users are always in touch. We'll talk about it a little later.
The interface of the service is nice and customizable. Everyone can choose from a dozen different themes and color solutions.
Best of all, if the registration of "Yandex.Mail "will be on the PC. So much more convenient, and there is no fear that you will be mistaken when entering data, because you use a large display. To register with this service, you need:
So, before you start setting up "Yandex. Mail "on" Android ", you need to create an account:
Now you can start using the electronic box.
To configure the "Yandex.Mail "on the" Android "was a bit easier, it's better to adjust the box immediately. The system will offer you to set a set of labels for letters. You can add special notes for business messages, friendly messages, etc. Add name and color to these labels.
Next you will be asked to add additional boxes. Perhaps you already have e-mail addresses, but that everything should be in your "Yandex. Mail », you can set the redirection.
Further it will be offered to supplement personal data.Here you can specify your full name, the signature at the end of the letter and the avatar. After you select the theme of the design. You can always do this in your account settings. Usually, the fifth step is the addition of a mobile phone for those who did not do this during registration.
For the box to work on your smartphone, you can searchapplication "Yandex. Mail". Android smartphone has a "Play Market", in which there are all kinds of applications for the phone. Just type in the desired software and be sure to find something similar.
In this store there is also an official application"Yandex Mail". It will just be enough to install it. You will need to enter the login and password that you have already registered, and use the software. At the moment, this is the most convenient and easy way to use this particular service.
If for some reason you do not want to or do notYou can use the "Play Market", you can refer to the sewn programs. Just worth noting that not all smartphones have built-in mail software. But if you found such an application, you can try setting up "Yandex. Mail "on" Android ":
All, consider that the configuration is complete.
If for some reason on your device"Android" does not come notifications from "Yandex. Mail ", go to the program settings. Most likely, there you have one of the modes that blocks alerts. Also check in the settings of your device the application itself. Maybe you have disabled notifications for all software. This is usually done to save battery power.
And finally, if the smartphone "Android" does notYandex works. Mail ", try to use mail clients. In the Play Store they are more than a dozen. There are high-quality and easy-to-use applications. They are usually installed if you need to collect letters from several addresses at once. Among the popular ones are myMail, OMail, ProfiMail Go and AquaMail.