/ / How to start system recovery in Windows 7?

How to start system recovery in Windows 7?

How to start system recovery? It is this question that we will consider in detail in the article.

Last successful configuration

This option is used if the operatingthe system does not load normally. Start the computer in Safe Mode, press "F8" and select the "Last successful configuration" function. In this case, the system will be started using the last saved operable parameters.

System Restore

start system restore

Apply this method if the first option is not givenresults. How to start system recovery from the Start menu? Find the option to restore the system using the search string. Also, "rollback" can be started from the "Control Panel". To do this, go to the system recovery menu and click "Start". You will see the settings that you can adjust. It is better to choose the parameters saved 2-3 days before the problem occurs. In the event that the process was successful, you will see the corresponding system message.

How do I start system recovery using Safe Mode? Consider below!

If the first two methods do notstart the system recovery, start the operating system boot in safe mode and press "F8". Then select the function to troubleshoot the computer. You will see a window with recovery options.

With this menu you can:

    • Check the system memory for errors (memory diagnostics);
    • Analyze and fix problems that prevent normal loading (startup recovery);
    • Delete files that interfere with the normal operation of the system using the command line;
    • restore the system using backup (restoring the system image);
    • make "rollback" to earlier operable settings (system recovery).
      how to start system restore

When you have made all the actions that interest you,click on the "System Restore" button. If everything went well, you will see a message stating that the problems can be fixed with "rollback". Then you need to select the "Next" button and determine the recovery point you need. Next, agree with all the options offered. After the reboot, you will see a message in which there will be information about the success of the recovery.

System disk

Change the settings in the BIOS so that the systemwas loaded not from the hard disk, but from the CD / DVD. Insert the original system disk into the drive and turn on the computer. Next, you need to select the language you need and run System Restore. You will be taken to the recovery options menu. More information about working with this window is written in the previous paragraph.

All of the above methods do not affect your documents and programs in any way. However, if nothing helps to restore the computer to a working state, you will have to use more radical methods.

How can I start the system restore to the factory settings?

does not start system restore
In order for this method to be possible, you must have a hidden recovery volume on your computer that is installed at the factory.

How do I start the system restore to the factory settings in this case? The way to start the option depends on the brand of your computer.

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