/ / Why does the keyboard and layout not switch to English: causes and their elimination

Why does the keyboard and layout not switch to English: causes and their elimination

Windows users often end up in extremean unpleasant situation when you need to quickly change the input language (for example, when typing a test), but the keyboard does not switch to English. What is the problem? How to eliminate such a failure? This will be discussed in the article.

Why does not switch to the English language bar?

The reasons for this phenomenon can be quite a lot: from short-term failures to the failure of the keyboard itself. Let's figure it out together.

why not switch to english

When the keyboard does not switch to English, the main facts affecting the appearance of such a failure are considered to be the following:

  • short-term failure in the system;
  • lack of required language to switch;
  • incorrect switching settings;
  • lack of installed keyboard layout;
  • disabled service responsible for the layout and switching;
  • device breakage.

Actually, in the simplest case, sometimesjust enough to restart the computer terminal or laptop. Probably, at repeated restart this problem will disappear. But in a situation where Russian does not switch to English, other reasons are usually guilty. About them now and will be discussed.

The keyboard does not switch to English: adding a language

Самым распространенным явлением принято считать a situation where, for some reason, the second language in the system was deleted or initially absent altogether (although in the standard Windows settings, English is enabled by default). To solve the question of why the language panel does not switch to English and, as a result, the keyboard, you just need to check if the second language is installed in the system.

does not switch to english

So, go to the standard "Control Panel" andappeal to the section of languages ​​and regional standards. After that, in the settings window you need to go to the languages ​​and keyboard tab. Use the keyboard change button to display all languages ​​installed on the system.

Russian does not switch to English

Pay attention to the tab of general parameters (inwindow in the middle). Languages ​​are displayed there. If only one Russian is indicated, a second language must be added. To do this, use the appropriate button, located slightly to the right.

the keyboard does not switch to English

Further from the list you just need to selectEnglish, expand the keyboard menu, set the value of the "USA" layout. Be sure to save the changes. In theory, after the actions performed in the previous list, the second language will appear immediately.

Keyboard Shift Settings

But it also happens that the language is present in the systemor, as in the previous list, its setting is correct, but it does not give an effect. So why does the keyboard switch to English by default, but not to Russian?

Perhaps the problem is that notconfigured so-called "hot" keys, which are responsible for fast switching. In the standard system settings, the Alt + Shift combination is initially used. If the user thinks that you can immediately switch using Ctrl + Shift, he is deeply mistaken. To get started, try the standard version. If this does not help, on the switch tab, you need to see in the drop-down menu at the top whether such a combination is set at all.

why the keyboard switches to english

Next, use the button to change the shortcut key, which is located at the bottom right, after which one of the options is set to change the language or layout.

But in the matter of why does not switch toEnglish appropriate layout, you need to pay attention to another important point. In the previous window, after installing the main combination, try selecting the line corresponding to the inclusion of English in the drop-down menu and set your own combination (for example, Ctrl + 1), save the changes and check if the switching works. Perhaps the failure is due to the inoperability of the buttons, and the new combination will give the desired effect.

Language bar display settings

Fast switching is impossible even byone reason. Why does not switch to English keyboard? Sometimes this is due only to the fact that the language panel itself is not fixed in the tray. It is not known why, but this can also be.

why not switch to english

In the above section, go to the tablanguage bar and make sure that the box next to its fastening in the "Taskbar" checkbox is checked. If for some reason the buttons do not work, the languages ​​can be switched directly from the corresponding panel (the icon next to the clock in the system tray) using the mouse.

Test the buttons

Наконец, самая неприятная ситуация, связанная с break the keyboard itself. You can check its performance in any text editor (but only for keys with letters, numbers and special characters). But what to do to check other buttons like Ctrl, Alt, Shift, etc.?

does not switch to english

To do this, from the main menu will need to callon-screen keyboard (section of special features), then make a check with it. This is done by sequentially pressing the desired buttons. Changing their colors on the virtual keyboard will signal their performance. If the color does not change, you can be sure that the key does not work. As is already clear, in this case you will have to either carry the keyboard for repair, or (for cases with laptops) buy a new one. But in the simplest case, you can try to perform some actions yourself, for example, remove the buttons and clean the contacts from the accumulated dirt (this, unfortunately, occurs very often).

Additional actions

If all else fails, go to autoload via the Run console with the msconfig command and check if the ctfmon service, which is responsible for layouts and languages, is enabled.

Russian does not switch to English

If it is deactivated, simply check the box in front of it and reboot.


If we sum up a certain result, we can note thatThe most common situations have been described above. If nothing really helps, try connecting a different keyboard. Perhaps the fault lies just in the device that was used before. By the way, check it out, a third-party program that is responsible for changing the language and layouts is not installed in the system. And, of course, try checking your computer for viruses.

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