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What is graphics in terms of computer

About what graphics are, and what graphics are better,you can discuss for hours, one thing remains the same - using a computer as a tool for creating images allows you to quickly and nicely get the desired result.

black and white graphics

Someone likes the black and white graphics, someone -colored, someone stops in the middle, and will enjoy the shades of gray. With the advent of the computer had to get acquainted with new concepts: raster, vector and fractal graphics.

You will ask why?" Time because that's it. Graphics, especially computer, is increasingly used in various fields of human activity.

With raster graphics everything is simple - imageconsists of a matrix of points, each of which has a unique characteristic - this is its color. The quality of this image is affected only by two parameters - the resolution and the number of colors that are used in the image. For raster graphics, there is a loss of quality with increasing the size of the picture, but you can draw as colors in the album.

But with what is vector graphics, it is worthto understand more in detail. So, vector graphics is a collection of objects represented and stored in mathematical form. For example, the circle is given by the coordinates of the center and the radius, the rectangle by the coordinates of the opposite angles, the line by the coordinates of the beginning and end of the segment, and so on. The object is also characterized by the type of the contour line (solid or dashed), the color of the contour line, the color of the fill, the presence and type of hatching, and so on. Each newly created object obscures the previous ones, but they do not disappear without a trace, and if necessary they can be pulled to the front without any losses. What can not be done with a bitmap image.

what is the schedule

Most often, vector graphics are used whencarrying out of polygraphic works, creation of advertising materials. Vector images are amenable to resizing, can be increased without affecting the quality of the picture. The disadvantage of vector graphics is a fairly large size of the original file with graphics, usually poorly compressible.

To work with vector graphics, there are a number ofspecialized graphic editors, such as, for example, Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator and others. Even the drawing panel in Microsoft Word is also a built-in vector graphics editor. But, what is graphics in Word and graphics in specialized software products? This, as they say, two big differences.

what is vector graphics

Well, fractal graphics unlike previous onesIt does not provide storage of image elements in memory. The picture is built according to a predetermined mathematical algorithm containing certain equations and formulas. With the help of fractal graphics, you can create very beautiful and complex patterns, which are difficult to achieve in traditional ways.

Now answer the question about what isgraphics and where it can come in handy, will not be difficult. Graphics surround us every day: on TV, in newspapers, at home, it allows us to color our lives, makes it more vivid and interesting.

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