/ / When "Meincraft" appeared and other facts about the game

When Minecraft appeared and other facts about the game

For many gamers, the day that appeared"Maynkraft", has become really beautiful and cheerful. This world with the ability to create any objects, buildings and things, adjusted for pixel graphics, gave everyone a lot of unforgettable emotions. The story of the release of the game can inspire any person, because the developers have received worldwide fame for their work and great idea.

Information about the developer

Далеко не все игроки знают, когда появился "Maynkraft" and who should be thanked for the release of such a project. The ideological inspirer and main developer was Marcus Persson, who on the Web is more known under the pseudonym Notch.

when minecraft appeared
He worked on the game along with the smalla team that was later merged into a studio called Mojang. In 2014, the peak of popularity of Minecraft reached incredible heights, and a large American company Microsoft bought all the rights to the project for two and a half million dollars. Since that time, all additions to the original game and the innovations introduced are under their control. Marcus Persson himself left the team and decided to take up new developments.

Start of development

In the afternoon, when Minecraft appeared, officiallyIt is considered the seventeenth of May 2009, but development began in April. That's when the Infiniminer game appeared on the Web. Persson immediately drew attention to it because of the interesting concept of graphics in the form of pixel square elements. Less than a month, as the developers have opened access to the source code for everyone, and this moment is considered the starting point at the beginning of work on Minecraft.

when minecraft appeared in which year
As a basis for programmingJava and LWJGL libraries were used, which anyone can access on the web. The work did not have to be carried out from scratch, because Persson had a similar abandoned RubyDung project with suitable practices. Started work on the tenth of May and lasted exactly a week. Such a short period of time may indicate the professionalism of Notch and his loyal assistants. No one at that moment did not expect anything major, and also did not place great hopes on the game. The project gained popularity after numerous commercials and streams with the construction of the most incredible things inside the beautiful and surprisingly simple world.

Release of the first version

Before the world of Minecraft, the pixelthe graphics were not too popular. Not a single large project even dreamed of being developed in a similar style, because not all gamers perceived such a look on the screen well. This did not stop Persson, and future events proved him right in choosing such a style. After three days of working on the project, the first video appeared on the Web with a description of the capabilities of the game world and a show of physics.

how the world of minecraft appeared
At that moment, the working name of the game was CaveGame, which literally meant "cave game." The very next day, the name changed to Minecraft: Order of the Stone. Forty-eight more hours were required for the staff to complete work on the game process and details. After this, closed testing began, to which only members of the TIGSource community were allowed. When Minecraft appeared on the seventeenth of May, 2009, everyone understood that the developers did not find major flaws and released a quality product for general review.

Worldwide popularity of uncomplicated games

The first players to create accounts immediately afterexit, easy to answer questions when there was "Minecraft", in what year and what were the initial functions. Already the first hours spent inside the world of unlimited imagination of developers gave so many emotions that it is impossible to forget them.

when the first version of minecraft appeared
Спустя семь дней после выхода проекта открылся an official forum where users communicated with the developers, shared their impressions and exhibited the created buildings and other works for a general review. Another week passed, and Persson created a multiplayer for his game, which gained popularity every second. Testing capabilities and opening servers took another seven days.

After that, gamers were able tohave fun in your favorite game with friends. When the first version of Minecraft appeared, everyone started talking about online, and the developer listened to the desires of users. Multiplayer attracted even more players to the ranks of the army of loyal fans, and this moment can be considered as gaining world fame for the game, which was created only seven days.

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