/ / "Black Dessert": classes, or by whom to play

"Black Dessert": classes, or by whom to play

So, today we have to get acquainted with suchfamous online game like Black Dessert. The classes in it are extremely important, as in any MMORPG. The thing is that this choice determines your further tactics of combat and behavior in general. So, you have to be aware of what the game world can offer us. Moreover, practice shows that some gamers are able to play with all races, and others only with close or long-range combat. Thus, in the Black Dessert classes are the determining factor for the gameplay. Let's get to know them as soon as possible.

black dessert classes

Close fight

To begin with, each online game has its ownbattle tactics. And the first type that can only be assumed is physical melee attacks. In Black Dessert, the best class for this choice is the warrior. More precisely, it is generally the only direction that allows melee combat with physical attacks.

The main weapon of a warrior is a sword.Carry a shield for additional attacks. These characters are dressed in heavy armor. They have tremendous endurance and physical strength, and are also suitable for players who want to have a lot of life. The warrior plays the role of the so-called "tanker" - the one who inflicts basic attacks and holds onto himself the blow of various bosses. This type of character requires tremendous skills. To many newbies, he is beyond his power. In the "Black Desert" guide on the classes is very small. You can say it's just not there. After all, the toy itself offers so far too few "directions". Let's see what else this MMORPG can cook for us.

black dessert guide by class


Not everyone wants to play for the "tank" onwhich will bear all the responsibility during difficult battles with bosses and strong monsters. To dress in heavy armor, swing a sword, and also to increase physical strength is undoubtedly good. But "Black Desert" classes in the game divides into 3 directions. So, there are other alternatives to combat tactics.

For example, you can always play for ...the witch. In common - for the magician. The magic class is long-range attacks, of course, magic. In different MMORPG this direction gives different possibilities. For example, you can attack, heal, and endow so-called "buffs" of other players (do not forget about yourself too). Mages in "Black Dessert" are universal fighters dressed in light armor. Life is not enough, physical protection, too. But the magic attack and the corresponding protection is great. Carry the staff under the guise of weapons. In the capable hands of the magician and do not need a lot of life. Do you want to play for the "Damazhnogo" and supporting the entire character with long-range attacks? Then the magician - the perfect option.

Bow and arrows

В "Блэк Десерт" классы персонажей, как уже можно It was notice, divided by type of attack and role in the group during the battle. The warrior - holds the boss on himself, the magician - heals the group, gives it magic spells and uses magic for long-range attacks. But is it really all? Not at all. In the game there is such a class as an archer.

black dessert best class

As it is not difficult to guess, we will deal witha character that hits with physical attacks (arrows) in the distance. Carries bow, puts on light armor. Dexterous, strong and skillful characters. Life is small, protection, both physical and magical - medium. Practice shows that archers are capable of delivering strong critical hits.

However, sometimes this class beats not onlyphysical attacks, but also magical. They do not have enough so-called mana, but this is enough to inflict great damage with it. Gamers call this direction "DD". That is, "damager" - those who hit hard in battle. And this is its only purpose. Playing an archer is not so difficult. Only for single travels it is practically unfit. Rather, for these purposes more magician will do.


As already mentioned, initially in "Black Dessert"classes were divided into 3 groups. But recently, the creators have added another direction. We are talking about barbarians. The thing is that if you want to play with melee combat, but at the same time do not play the role of a “tank,” then this innovation will really please.

Barbarian - a new physical class.Fights melee, but deals, for the most part, massive blows. Weapons - doubles axes. Wear these characters in heavy armor. Possess dexterity and endurance. In principle, this is a kind of hybrid between an archer and a warrior. But despite all this, the barbarians are too slow and slow. So, you can beat them with speed.

black dessert classes in the game

Вот и все.As you can see, in "Black Dessert" character classes are not so diverse. But this is only because the game is new. You can choose any direction and try yourself in one or another role. The main thing - do not be afraid. Over time, you can learn to play any class. There are also other directions. But on the official website of the Russian version so far you can only read about those that we have listed. These are the most suitable options for beginners.

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