/ / How to fix system errors in Windows related to missing DLL

How to fix Windows system errors related to missing DLLs

В этой статье речь пойдет о системных ошибках, associated with dynamic libraries. That is, files that have the extension dll. Many users of the Windows operating system could observe them when they tried to launch any games or programs. Most often they occur during these actions. In the article we will not only provide you with the definition of this phenomenon, but also offer several ways to solve it, so read it through to be, as they say, savvy.


We begin, of course, with the definition itselfsystem error. After all, before solving a problem with it, you need to familiarize yourself with and understand all the nuances. So, errors related to the absence of DLL files, as mentioned above, most often occur at startup or during the operation of a game or program. The extension of the DLL itself indicates that we are dealing with a dynamic library. This is the same program, only, unlike the first, it works immediately with all programs.

system error

Например, есть два видеоплеера.You wanted to play MP4 format video in one, for this the corresponding DLL library is used. If you also run the same video in the second player, then the same DLL will help to play it. By the way, system errors in Windows happen due to the lack of a dynamic library required for the application to work. Now let's talk about the reasons in more detail.

Why is this happening?

Since it’s about the causes of DLL system errors, it’s worth mentioning that there are only three of them:

  1. The library file is not on the computer.
  2. The file has been moved to the wrong directory.
  3. The library has been corrupted by a virus.

Here it is worth focusing on the thirdthe reason. The fact is that the first two can easily be corrected by following one of the instructions that will be attached below, but the situation with the virus is a bit different. If you have malicious software on your computer that somehow affects the library file, even after replacing this file you will get an error, because the virus will damage it again. That is why, before starting to fix the error, check the computer for viruses and delete them if detected.

Solution 1: use the DLL Suite

Immediately say that in the article we willconsider the easiest ways to fix a DLL system error. And the first method involves the use of the program DLL Suite. Without going much rummaging, let's get straight to the point. You need to pre-install this application on your computer. And it should be downloaded exclusively from the official site, otherwise you can add viruses to the computer.

dll system errors

After the program is installed, to correct the error you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Run the program.
  2. Go to the "Load DLL" category.
  3. In the search box enter the name of the dynamic library, which is absent on the computer.
  4. Click "Search".
  5. In the results, click on the desired library.
  6. Click "Download" in front of the desired version.

After that, a window will appear in whichpave the way to the directory where the library will be installed. If you don’t know it for sure, then leave everything as it is; the program often does everything correctly by default.

Solution 2: use the DLL-Files.com Client program

There is another program that allows you to quicklyfix system dll error. It is called DLL-Files.com Client. Like last time, download and install it on your computer, but follow these steps before following the instructions.

  • Open the application.
  • Enter the library name in the appropriate field.
  • Search.
  • Click on the found library.
  • Click "Install".

windows system errors

At this time, it is not even necessary to specify the directory where the dynamic library should be placed, since the program will do everything on its own.

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