/ / As in "KS: GO", increase the time of the round or make it endless?

As in “KS: GO”, increase the time of the round or make it endless?

“COP:GO ”is the most popular team shooter in the world today, which offers gamers excellent tactical capabilities thanks to a variety of maps, an abundance of weapons and various combinations. However, many gamers complain that they lack the standard round time, which is played by the default game. In the settings, the time can not be changed, so there are well-grounded complaints. Fortunately, there is a console in the game, and if you are interested in increasing the round time in KS: GO, then you should study this article. Here you will find the answer to your question. Moreover, you will learn not only how to increase the time of the round in “KS: GO”, but also several other teams to manipulate with time.

how to increase the time of the round

Increase the duration of the round

If you are interested, as in "KS:GO "increase the time of the round, then you have to call the console. If you do not know, this is done by pressing the "~" key, after which the corresponding window appears on the screen. There you can enter the commands you are interested in. Since you are planning to figure out how to increase the time of the round in KS: GO, then you should remember one specific command - mp_roundtime. After you enter it, you will need to specify the time that interests you through the space. If you want to change the time to the one that you want, then just enter your indicator. If you want the time to be infinite, then you need to enter eight "nines", since the console in the case of this command recognizes only eight digits.

how to increase round time in xc go

Time to change cards

So, now you know how to increase the timeround in the "KS: GO" and you can safely use this command. But there are a few more teams that will allow you to manipulate time, which will make the game even more exciting. The second most popular command is mp_timelimit, with which you can change the time interval allowed for a round on one card, after which it changes to another card.

Other commands

In addition, you can change the time thatwill pass after the installation of the bomb before its explosion using the command mp_c4time. If you want to have more time to make purchases at the beginning of the round, then the mp_buytime team is useful to you, as it allows you to increase the number of seconds allotted to buy weapons, armor, grenades and ammunition. Well, the last team is mp_freezetime, it determines the number of seconds during which players cannot move from the spot at the beginning of each round. This can be used to better plan your actions and discuss tactics with partners.

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