/ / How to open hidden files in different versions of Windows

How to open hidden files in different versions of Windows

When working with files on Windows is quite oftenThere may be situations in which you need to access hidden files. Hidden files are considered that by default are not displayed to the user of the computer. This function is implemented in order to prevent the intervention of inexperienced users in the work of important files for the system. However, many people still want to learn how to open hidden files in Windows.

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What you need to know about hidden files

In fact, the concept of "hidden file" meansonly the fact that such a file is assigned the attribute "Hidden" in the file system. The system administrator can independently assign this attribute to user files. To do this, you only need to find the file or folder you are interested in in the explorer, select it with the left mouse button, then right click to open the context menu and select the "Properties" section. You will see the properties window of the file or directory where you can put or remove the check box next to the item "Hidden". But if you want to know how to open hidden files in the Windows system directory, be careful, because making changes to such files can lead to the system's inoperability.

how to open hidden files on windows

Solution for Windows XP

Press the "Start" key on the keyboard to openof the same name. In the right column of the items you will see the button "Control Panel". You need to click on it, and then a window similar to the standard Windows Explorer will open. At the top of the window, find the "Tools" menu item. Pointing the mouse at it, you will see the sub-item "Folder properties" - open it. In the next step we need to go to the "View" tab, where there are a lot of settings for the files and directories of the system. If you scroll the slider on the right side of the window to the bottom, the necessary line will appear - "Show hidden files and folders" and an alternative to it - "Do not show." Choose the option that you need at the moment, and click the OK button to save the selected settings. Done!

How to open hidden files is no longer a secret.Now in the Explorer you will see both normal and hidden objects of the file system. The latter you can distinguish due to the fact that they will be displayed a little dull compared to regular files. So the system will let you know that this directory or file is hidden.

how to open hidden files

Display hidden files in Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10

For this we need to make only a couple of changes to the algorithm of actions described above. Namely:

  • In Windows Vista after the opening of the "Panelclick on the "Classic view" link in the left column.This will display a lot of icons, including the "Folder Options" shortcut that we need. After opening it, perform the same actions as in Windows XP.
  • In Windows 7, go in a convenient way in the "PanelIn the upper right corner you will find the function for selecting the viewing mode - you must select "Small icons." The "Folder Options" icon you need is displayed - click on it.The subsequent steps are the same as those described earlier for Windows XP. , that the way how to open hidden files on Windows Seven, only slightly differs from previous versions of the OS.
  • In Windows 8, as well as 10, everything is much simpler. Open the explorer in any folder. In the ribbon at the top of the window, select the "View" tab, and then you will be able to go to the "Show or hide" menu.

It should be noted that all these methods workfor the program "Explorer" as a whole. That is, if you wanted to learn how to open hidden files on a USB flash drive, it's enough to execute one of the above instructions for your OS version, and all the hidden files will be displayed. There are no risks when working with hidden files that are in directories for personal use, but it is highly recommended not to modify hidden objects from system directories.

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