/ / Which matrix is ​​better for the monitor: features, characteristics and types

Which matrix is ​​better for the monitor: features, characteristics and types

Monitors for a long time have gone into history, more similar toTV, which was based on a huge electronic ray tube. Nothing could please such an assembly. Bulky, heavy fighter of electric energy. Not surprisingly, with the advent of thin monitors, users across the planet sighed with relief.

But here everything was not so simple. Each thin device was strikingly different from each other by color, price, and viewing angles.

Matrix. Its features and characteristics

Which matrix is ​​better for a monitor is a highly controversial issue. First of all, it is worth to clarify what it is.

In appearance, the matrix is ​​glassa plate, inside which are located liquid crystals that change color. The simplest products react only to changes in electrical signals passing through them. More complex models independently regulate color and brightness. And the most modern specimens are also highlighted in addition, creating the greatest possible contrast.

which matrix is ​​better for the monitor


The answer to the question "which matrix is ​​best formonitor "is impossible without mention of such a term as" response ". This property is characterized by how smoothly the frames on the screen will change due to voltage changes. It is measured in milliseconds (ms).

What type of monitor matrix is ​​better for games?Of course, with good image response. And if you understand what type of matrix monitor is best for everyday life? With a response of 10 ms or less. A game type of matrix monitor? Which is better? Professional players prefer response less than 5 ms.

type of monitor matrix which is better

Update frequency

About which matrix is ​​best for the gamer monitor,much will tell the frequency of the update. The picture in the virtual world is changing very quickly. Only the best quality screens can be updated with a frequency of more than 120 Hz.

Viewing Angle

Which matrix is ​​better for the monitor as a whole?Of course, the one that has good viewing angles. What are they? In order to understand what is at stake, it is recommended to look at the monitor from the side. The ideal product will be visible from everywhere. A cheap unit with such convenience can not please. The picture is faded, smeared and fuzzy. Which monitor matrix is ​​best for the eyes? Of course, the one where you can view the image from any angle. In addition, when working with such a monitor, the eyes get tired much less.

which monitor matrix is ​​best for gaming

TN + film (Twisted Nematic + film)

For a long time such a matrix was considered the best formonitor. Simple and cheap, it is still built into millions of devices every year. A special love of this technology was provided by its price. It is thanks to the price availability that users are ready to forgive the matrix its disadvantages, which are many. Viewing angles are extremely scarce. It is necessary to sit solely in front of the monitor to see a full picture. Some manufacturers use a special film to increase viewing angles, but this helps a little.

best for the monitor

The human eye is a unique mechanism,able to see more than sixteen million different shades. With a matrix of a given type, a property of the nature, alas, does not work out with all the desire. Colors usually dull, faded, faint, faded, unnatural. But for an undemanding user this is not a critical problem.

Very few complaints are received for the changecontrast. The main users are office workers. Working with the text on monitors requires special concentration. The text with low contrast is by no means the best assistant, his eyes get tired very quickly. Even more such matrices do not like specialists on the schedule. On such a monitor, it's good to watch movies and go through some games.

The only thing that can please a matrix of this type is the rapid response of black and white hues. But in the modern color world, this is a weak advantage.

Almost every budget notebook in the world is sold with the TN matrix.

what type of monitor matrix is ​​best for gaming


Numerous user complaints prompted manufacturers to study the new technology "monitor matrix type", which is better and more productive than its predecessors.

The newest development is called IPS(In-Plane Switching). The matrix of this type was produced by Hitachi. What is its essential difference from TN? First of all, this is color transfer. No matter how much the users loved their huge monitors with the cathode-ray tube, they transmitted the shades very accurately. And here again there was an opportunity to rejoice in bright and juicy colors.

The corners of the surveys also increased significantly in comparison with the predecessors.

The disadvantages of the technology is the changeblack to purple when viewed from the side. Also, the first models had a relatively low response time - 60 ms. There was a lot of criticism for low contrast. The black color seemed gray, which made it difficult to type text and it was almost impossible to work in applications that required the development of small details.

However, manufacturers were aware of the shortcomings andafter a while the world saw the technology of S-IPS (Super IPS), in which many defects were eliminated. First of all, the novelty pleased gamers. The response time decreased almost fivefold, to 16 ms. This value is great for solving the vast majority of everyday tasks.

The main manufacturers of IPS matrices - Hitachi, LG, Phillips, NEC.

MVA (PVA) matrix

A little later the world was introduced a new matrix, which took into account the numerous wishes of both gamers and office workers - MVA.

The only drawback of such monitors was the curvature of some shades. But the color rendition of the opponents of the TN matrix was noted as quite tolerable and suitable for most tasks.

Of course, not everything at once became smooth and perfect.The first models were rather slow, even in comparison with the TN-predecessors. Sometimes, with a rapid change of frames, the user could notice an irreplaceable momentary picture. This problem was solved somewhat later, when accelerated matrices of this type entered the market.

But these monitors are all right withcontrast and viewing angles. Black is black, and details can be seen even in the smallest variation. It's no surprise that professional designers choose MVA.

There is another kind of matrix of this type. Its name is PVA. It was developed by the Korean corporation Samsung. PVA is much faster and more contrast.

It's a pleasure to work on such a matrix, so it took a worthy place in the niche for professionals.

which matrix monitor is best for the eyes

What to choose

So, there are three basic types of matrices.

TN technology should be chosen only in the case of a very limited budget.

The IPS-type matrix is ​​suitable if the buyer is actively engaged in graphics or drawings.

Which monitor matrix is ​​best for gaming? MVA! It is optimal for aesthetes who appreciate the ideal picture.

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