/ / What is a "skill" and how is this concept different in different games?

What is a "skill" and how is this concept different in different games?

Playing games, a person, willy-nilly, begins to learn new words and concepts. However, not all words mean the same thing. In the article we will try to answer what is "skill" in the most popular games.

what is skill

To begin, consider the origin of the word.“Skill” is the simplest transliteration from English. Without knowing the meaning of an unfamiliar word, gamers simply copied its sound and rewrote an unknown concept in Russian letters. So, "skill" initially - this is a certain skill. At the same time, the word can also be used simply to denote a high level of player skill or as an indicator of the ability to play. In different games, the concept of "skill" is different, and sometimes very significant. If a player knows what a skill is in DotA, it’s not a fact that he correctly answers a similar question, for example, regarding Varfeysa. Below we will try to clarify the question.

"Dota 2"

What is a skill in one of the most popularMMORPG games? This is the case when the original meaning of the word is completely preserved. In this case, the character's skill is his unique ability, his skill with which he fights against enemies and helps his allies. There are 4 types of skills in DotA 2. They differ in the principle of action and the effects that they have.

Non-target skills

what is the skill in dota

These are skills that are not aimed at anything or anyone. To use them you do not need to choose a target and sometimes you can not use mana, that is, cast (cast).

If a character uses a challenge skill, thenthere is help and so on, then this skill works immediately after the completion of the cast. Most often non-target skills are either summons (calls) or metamorphosis. In turn, these skills are of three types:

  1. Without casting time. Start working immediately after activation.
  2. With cast time, for example, "Requiem of Souls". These skills only work after the target is specified.
  3. With time channeling (call). Example - "Town Portal" and "Epicenter". They begin to work some time after the player presses the activation button.

Target skills - what's this?

These are the skills that require the indication of the goal.Answering the question, what is a skill with a target, it should be noted that they are both in the form of a projectile, and without it. It is possible to evade an attack with a projectile if the hero can go to inviz (invisibility). In this case, the projectile continues to pursue the target during the move. Attacks without a projectile are strikes on the square. So, you can avoid them, just going out of the range of the skill. Skills such as "Toss" and "Storm Bolt" as a goal perceive a certain circle, the affected area.

Skill points

They help to aim. For example, the skill "Black Hole" indicates a target in the form of a circle. In turn, "Teleport" simply requires fixing the mouse at a certain point.

Skills with fixation on a unit or on a terrain point

Continuing the review and answering the question what isskill, it is impossible to ignore this kind of skills. The group is relatively small, and this category of skills can be cast (conjure) both by aiming at the character and at a point on the ground.

what is skill

They can also be canceled by simply giving the order to stop, which is very convenient, since in this case mana will not be spent and the ability will not receive a cooldown (time update).

"Counter Strike"

This is another popular game.But this is exactly the case when, knowing what a skill is in one game, a person will not be able to correctly answer this question in relation to another game. In this case, a skill is not a special skill or skill, but simply a general level of play. That is, the more marks a player has, the more opponents he will destroy, the higher his skill will be. That is, answering the question, what is the skill in the "COP", we can say that this is the skill of the game and the overall level.

what is the skill in ks

Many players wonder how to raiseskill in "cop". There are a couple of ways to do this. The first is to play on special servers on which players learn to shoot precisely. Another option is to play on small cards, where the main task is to stay alive. Skill in the "COP" depends on the number of deaths, and the quality of shooting, namely, from the percentage hit in the head.

What is the skill in "Varface"?

As in the "COP", it is the ability to play directly.In the "Varfeys" on the question of what a skill, you will be answered that this is a combination of skill, brain, luck and guessing. The skill itself is the number of kills, hits to the head and the number of deaths. Naturally, the lower the last indicator, the higher the skill. In any game, you need to think and analyze the situation, and "Varface" is no exception. And, of course, without luck it is impossible to play any sessions.

what is the skill in the warface

Skill in "Varfeys", as well as in "KS", is typedthrough practice and practice again. Aiming (exactly the quality of the killings of other players) can be trained both in real fights and in the so-called "meat grinder" when the game is played according to the principle "Appeared in a game - shot - died - resurrected - shot - died" and so on. The game, where you just need to learn to shoot bots in the head, is pretty boring, but also develops reaction speed and accuracy. Naturally, in the "meat grinder" all the player's skills swing at once.

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