/ / How to add a user to Windows 10: a few simple rules

How to add a user to Windows 10: a few simple rules

Sometimes even on home computers there isthe need to solve the problem of how to add a user to Windows 10. This can be done with a few basic options. Immediately many people have a question about why this is needed. The answer is simple: for members of your family you can create several accounts with limited rights so that they can not change the settings of the system or harm it. And what can we say about office computers, on which two or more clerks can work?

How to add a user to Windows 10: the first way

The main method is the use ofWindows settings (the second "Control Panel"). Access to this section is via the standard "Start" menu, but in a simplified version it's better to use the quick combination Win + I.

how to add a user to windows 10

Here you select the account section, afterwhich is the transition to the family menu and other users, located in the column to the left. On the right side of the window, select the section of other users and click the add new user button marked with a plus sign. Next, you will be prompted to enter the email address or phone number. However, in Windows 10, you can add a local user without this. Just click on the link below (you do not have any data). This is useful if you do not plan to create a "record" for Microsoft at all.

how to add a new user to windows 10

The next window will prompt you to create it.Again, in the question of how to add a user to Windows 10, the addition line without such registration is used. Finally, it remains only to specify the name of the new user, create a password for security and enter a hint for cases when it may be lost or forgotten. Immediately it is worth noting that the new registration will correspond to the so-called ordinary user, that is, he will not have administrator rights to change the system settings.

How to add a new user to Windows 10: the second way

In principle, you can use the standardThe scheme that was used in earlier versions of Windows. This method consists in first calling the "Control Panel" (the easiest way is to enter the control command in the "Run" menu).

windows 10 add local user

Here it is necessary to go to the section of accountingselect the management of another account, and then simply click on the link to add a new user. After this, a redirection to the parameters menu will be performed, which was discussed above. So to perform such procedures, you can use both methods (which is more convenient).

Using the command line

The problem of how to add a user toWindows 10, can be solved and no less effective method, which means using the command line. It, however, must be run on behalf of the administrator (either cmd in the console "Run", or through the menu of the PCM for the "Start" button, or by opening the cmd.exe file through the PCM in the System32 directory).

windows 10 add the user to the group

The command to add a user with a password looks likelike this: net user NAME PASSWORD / add, where NAME is the name of the new user, and PASSWORD is the password (these values ​​are set arbitrarily). After that, the input key is pressed, and the new user appears in the list of system users, but again without having administrator rights.

Adding a user to a group

Now let's see how to add in Windows 10user in the group (for example, administrator). To do this, you must first start this system tool by entering the combination lusrmgr.msc in the Run console (Win + R). First, the users folder is selected, and in the central field in the right-click menu, the line for adding a new user is used. Then enter the necessary information and press the create button. After that, the group membership is selected, the line for adding the registration record is selected via the RMB and the necessary group (for example, "Administrators") is indicated.

Assign rights

Since the new user after registration has,so to speak, bird rights, they can be expanded by changing the type of registration to the administrator. One method has already been considered (membership in groups), but one can act differently. After creating a user in the options section, simply go to the menu of other users and click on changing the account type. The list selects "Administrator", after which the changes are saved. Again, you can access these settings through the usual "Control Panel".

how to add a user to windows 10

When performing operations to add a new userYou can also assign such rights from the command line. To do this, use the command net localgroup Administrators NAME / add, where NAME is the name of the new user.


That's all about creatingnew registration for the Windows 10 system. Which method of all the above is better, it is difficult to say. Here, everyone chooses something with which it is more convenient for him to work, although by the effectiveness and the result they are all absolutely equivalent. However, if you proceed from practical considerations, when you want to simultaneously add a user and grant him administrative rights, it's easiest to use the command console. At least it takes a lot less time to travel around different sections and menus.

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