/ / How to find out the diagonal of the laptop and what is needed for it

How to find out the diagonal of the laptop and what is needed for it

The question of the diagonal of the laptop screen is controversial.Many manufacturers indicate not a real size, but a rounded number of inches. Therefore, the passport of the laptop is not much help here. Now we will try to describe several ways that will help us to figure out how to find out the diagonal of the laptop (in real sizes). It is worth considering that the actual number of inches can be very different from the stated.

Most manufacturers tend to round offdiagonal in a big way. But some still honestly inform users about the size of the screen. The only trouble is that such companies are extremely small. Well, let's get down to figuring out the actual screen size.

how to find out the diagonal of the laptop

If accuracy is not needed

If you are not interested in the exact screen size, then you canconsult your mobile PC documentation. The diagonal will be indicated in the specifications. Some manufacturers supply the enclosures of their devices with special stickers describing the main technical characteristics. There, too, can be indicated diagonal screen. If not, refer to the instruction manual and look for a section with characteristics in it.

laptop screen sizes in inches

Most users are fairly genericdiagonal screen information. However, some laptop owners want to know more. For example, the general inscription "17 inches" does not suit them. And this is correct, since there can be both less and more than the stated figure. We now turn to how to find out the diagonal of the laptop with simple measurements.

Use the ruler

Since our country uses metricmeasurement system (meters, centimeters, millimeters), and the size of laptop screens in inches, will have to not only measure the diagonal, but also calculate the required number of inches using a simple formula.

17 inches

The screen should be measured from corner to corner.along an inclined line. That is, the diagonal is the line between the two most distant corners of the screen. The main thing is not to confuse. There is nothing complicated in the measurement procedure itself. And you are convinced of this now.

So, apply the ruler to the screen and startmeasurements of the visible part of the screen. Then the resulting number should be divided by 2.54, in order to convert centimeters to inches. Now you have a real screen size. For example, if you got 43.18 in centimeters, then by simple division we calculate that the real screen diagonal is 17 inches. Further in the same vein.

Search engines

The question of how to find out the diagonal of a laptophas another answer. You can refer to a rich reference material on the Internet. It is enough to drive a laptop model into the Yandex search box, and the system will give you a huge amount of results with a detailed description of the technical characteristics. However, to find out in this way the actual screen size is very difficult. This way you can get only general information. But if you stumble upon any site for a detailed study of laptops, it is possible that the local "experts" investigated your model up and down and provide reliable data.

Однако особо полагаться на данные Сети не стоит.Not all sites check the veracity of the information presented. To obtain the most accurate data, it is better to use the official websites of the device manufacturer directly. It is there that you can find the most accurate and complete information about your laptop and its screen.

What is the exact screen size?

В первую очередь знать реальный размер нужно в case of failure of the laptop display. To replace this element, it is strongly not recommended to use general data. There are cases when users, guided by the inscriptions on the box, ordered a new matrix, but it did not fit, because it was more or less needed. Accuracy is important here, and general information does not fit.

laptop passport

Some need to know the real size of the net.curiosity. It is always interesting to know how unscrupulous manufacturers are and how many inches they deceived users. Although this is quite rare.


Now the question of how to find out the diagonallaptop, no longer. And if the screen of your device fails, you can easily measure the old one and order a new one. There is nothing complicated about it. Yes, and for self-education it is useful to find out how inches are measured in diagonals.

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