/ / How to make a portal to the End in Minecraft affordable

How to make a portal to the End in Minecraft affordable

In the official version of the game - without additions andmods - you can explore a total of three worlds. In the first you appear - this is an ordinary world in which most of the events take place. However, you can also travel to other worlds - for this you will need portals. The lower world, which many players call simply Hell, is the most popular. You can create a portal without any problems, there are many useful resources, as well as unique mobs. But the End is a world that was added by developers in the last place. The fact is that it fully corresponds to its name - it means the end of the game. This is the location in which you need to go only if you have played enough and want to either complete your journey or start it again. However, you need to know one more thing: there is no answer to the question about how to make a portal to the End in Minecraft. It already exists somewhere in the world, you just need to activate it.

how to make a portal in the end in minecraft

Blades rods

As already mentioned, in the Lower World there isquite a lot of different mobs, which you will not find anywhere else. And if you are interested in how to make a portal to the End in Minecraft active, you need to start hunting for blazes in hell. These small mobs will drop the rods after death, which you need to collect. Recruit as much as possible, because it is likely that the first time you will not succeed. The bars are not yet a ready-made product that you need - with the help of a workbench you can turn them into dust - you will need it for searches, and also to understand how to make a portal to the End in Minecraft active.

Enderman's Pearl

how to make a portal

Your next goal is the pearls of the Endremans,Dangerous mobs who can teleport directly to you and attack with all their might, until they win. That is, you can not escape if Enderman saw you, so prepare for serious bouts and try to lure mobs one by one. What does this have to do with solving the problem of how to make the portal to the End in Minecraft active? It's pretty simple - the Enderman pearls are falling off Endermanov, which you'll need. Actually, on this quest for resources end - now you need to combine dust and pearls to get Enderman's eyes, they are also part of the key to the End, the most tempting and dangerous world of the game, "Maincrafter". How do I make the portal active? To do this, you must first find it.

Search the portal

portal in the end in minecraft

You immediately need to understand that the portal to the End inMinecraft is a natural structure that you can not build. He can only be found, and he is in one of the castles that are scattered around the game world. But how to find the right one? Here you already need to use the created eyes of Enderman. When you take the eye in your hand, it will start to bounce, deviating to the side in which the nearest portal is located. With this kind of compass, you can quickly find the entrance to a new dimension.

Activate the portal

So, you found the portal, or rather its frame,which is not yet active. Note that there is a groove around the perimeter of the frame, the number of which should be 12. If several pieces are missing - do not use your eyes for nothing, go in search of another portal, using the same method. However, if the portal is intact, then you need to put each eye on Enderman's eye, after which it is automatically activated. But do not rush inside - remember that this will lead to the end of the current game. On the other side of you is the main boss in the game, which is also the strongest, so you need to properly prepare for the campaign in the End. And only after that it is worth entering into the activated portal.

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