/ / How to create an FTP server yourself?

How to create an FTP server yourself?

Many of you are interested in the question of howcreate an FTP server. I want to make some clarity. In order for everyone to understand what is at issue, let's find out what it is all about? In order not to delve into the jungle, just say that this is a file storage of large volumes on the Internet. Also this server is sometimes called a program.

how to create ftp server

Существует множество определенного софта, который makes an FTP server from a simple computer. These programs can track all incoming customer requests, and then send a response to each of them. During the installation, you specify the desired path, after which the selected directory will be available to the appropriate clients. That's the way the Windows FTP server works.

Now let's look at what a protocol isFTP. It is designed to transfer files on the Internet. To do this, they use various network data transfers and commands between the server and the client. That is, this protocol allows you to exchange files by communicating with a remote device. Absolutely all companies that provide hosting services, give their customers this opportunity.

ftp server

Итак, как создать FTP-сервер?First, you will need a login with a password. When you use hosting services, the company must provide you with FTP data after registration, which usually come to the e-mail box. If this does not happen, you need to contact the appropriate support. That is, the answer to the question of how to create an FTP server is quite simple: it happens automatically on a hosting.

If you want to give access to your data(for example, for editing templates), it is possible to create an additional account in which to define the path only to the required directory. Thus, a person will have access only to what you allow.

ftp server windows

Как это сделать?Take any hosting provider. Go to the FTP tab on the control panel. When you do this, you will immediately see a window that will allow you to make the necessary settings. The root directory will be called "sayt / public_htm". If you specify it, you get full access to all the site files.

In order to create a separate account,it is necessary to enter the password with the login, as well as the path to the directory. For example, if this is a topic, first write "sayt / public_htm" (root directory), then "/ wp-content" (folder containing themes, plugins and other data), then "/ themes" Topics. Write down this path in the window and select the "Create" function.

If your account is not yet configured, then this iscan be done, based on the above material. This will not present any difficulty for you. Here, in principle, and the whole procedure of customization. Now you understand how it works, and also know how to create an FTP server. I think I understand everything and explained clearly for you in this article. As you can see, nothing complicated or supernatural is observed in this matter. In the event that your friends or acquaintances are also interested in this topic, tell them about it or give it a read. Thank you all for your attention.

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