/ / DBMS is a data management system

DBMS is a data management system

The data surrounds us everywhere.They come through the media, expect us in the workplace, in public transport, even in the kitchen. Since every modern person is constantly confronted with a huge amount of information, he has to perform various actions with it: accumulate and store, select the most necessary, sort and order in other ways, delete. To automate the entire process, and databases were developed. From the considered point of view DBMS is a system for organizing data.

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What is a database

A database is considered to be a certainordered array of information. An example of such a sorted database can serve as a library. In it, books are usually arranged in a certain order: by name, by author or by subject. Traditionally, for the convenience of data representation, the form of the table is used. In its cells are located numbers, text, images and other elements. And the columns and rows contain some characteristics, by which ordering takes place. A very important problem for the correct construction of a database is the identification of sets of features that are common to a particular subject area. It is depending on the meaning of these characteristics that the instances of each particular entity are separated.

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What is DBMS

DBMS is a certain database management systemdata. The fact is that the data is not easy to obtain, it is necessary to constantly perform certain operations on them. First of all, the existing orderly information should be kept. And in the future, you need to receive as quickly as possible those data that are required by the user at a given moment in the situation that has arisen. To do this, the control system must have a certain set of sorting algorithms, as well as the ability to apply a variety of filters. Then the data must be added, deleted, modified, and so on. For the convenience of operating different information, it is necessary that such a system also give users the opportunity to build a query on the selection of some array, "knew how" to fulfill these queries fairly quickly and stably. With the proper construction of the DBMS, this provides everything, and also makes it possible to secure data from unauthorized access and implements other required functions.

mysql subkey
Why you need Mysql DBMS

Mysql is a relational management systemdatabases. Relational databases are those in which information is presented in the form of separate tables that are interrelated and interdependent. From other DBMS this differs by some basic signs, namely:

- multithreading, that is, several queries can be executed simultaneously in this system;

- Simplicity of building a server;

- a reliable system of protection, including a flexible structure of passwords and rights;

- the ability to use data of both fixed and variable lengths;

- high-quality storage system based on flows;

- Possibility of placing up to 16 keys in the table.

There are also other important differences, for example the fact that the DBMS contains a utility for repairing tables.

Mysql, as a DBMS, is a convenient and logical system that allows you to perform all the necessary operations on data.

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