Никто не станет отрицать, что уровень The speed and performance of the computer depends on how "powerful" its hardware stuffing. Also, let's not forget that the key to the stability of a running OS is the correctly implemented PC configuration. At the same time, some users who are passionate about “optimization” passion come to a false understanding that the work of some services and functions in the Microsoft operating system is in vain and, in general, wasted system resources. However, the question “Windows 7: How to disable the paging file” that was raised in the article will help you, dear readers, to understand how inappropriate it is to deactivate the virtual memory of a PC. However, for those who do not care about where the spirit of the natural scientist instilled in them comes from, the article gives a concrete answer.
So let's take a closer look atquestions about why Windows needs Pegefile, how to manage “virtual” parameters, and what the consequences may be when a user deprives the operating environment of additional memory reserves.
On 7-ke, however, like the previous XP, andalso the eighth successor, the default virtual memory is located specifically on the system partition of the hard drive, usually denoted by the Latin letter "C". It is worth noting that Pagefile is a hidden file, so in order to "detect" its presence in the root directory of the OS, you must use the corresponding function "Show ... files and folders", which can be accessed through the section "Design and Personalization". As for the purpose of virtual memory, then not everything is so simple ... However, the basic idea is this:
При инсталляции операционной системы размер файла paging windows exposes automatically. Usually, the value of virtual memory is identical to the amount of physical RAM (the nominal of the installed slats). As practice shows, this is enough for normal OS. It is worth mentioning that 32-bit Windows is able to “see” and work only with 4 GBytes of memory, whereas in the 64-bit version the limits start with a figure of 192 GB. Now for the valid Pagefile values. It makes no sense to allocate more than 4 GB of disk space for virtual memory, since in most cases this is unnecessary ... As already mentioned, automatic values are sufficient. In case of “critical shortage” of free space on the system disk, you can move the Pagefile directory to another section of the drive, which in no way affects the stability of the Windows operating environment.
Допустим, вы уверены в правоте своих assumptions or any digital event imposes its own action scenario on you - you need to reduce or expand the size of virtual memory. Follow the short instructions, and the success of your actions is guaranteed.
Внесенные вами изменения вступят в силу сразу after restarting Windows 7. How to disable the paging file, you will learn from the next section of this article. However, even 8 GB of physical memory cannot guarantee you stability if you delete the Pagefile directory.
Using the above algorithm, re-enter the working area of the "Virtual Memory" window.
Usually, the question in our case concerning the Windows 7 OS: “How to disable the paging file?” Arises for two main reasons.
In both cases, the result will be one - the system will begin to slow down significantly, and some software will stop working altogether. As you can see, Pagefile is a very useful component in the OS.
So, despite the advantage of speedindicators of physical RAM, virtual memory is an important "assistant" in solving common problems associated with operational data processing. Well, now you know how to change the paging file and how important is the fact of its presence in the OS. As a bonus for the attention you paid to reading this article, I would like to give one simple advice: if your physical memory has a capacity of more than 4 GB, install a 64-bit system, and otherwise everything is at your discretion. All the best, stability to you and successful configurations!