/ / Network switch - multifunction device

Network switch - multifunction device

Network switch (switch) - specialA device that serves to combine various equipment (servers, computers, routers, etc.) in a network. With its help, it is possible to integrate a huge number of different network equipment quickly, simply, inexpensively and technically at the highest possible speeds. Its main difference from more complex routers is that the network switch does not prescribe packet routes from one point to another. Its main task is simply the union of two disparate points among themselves by means of the logic already written inside it.

A network switch can be of several types.

network switch
The simplest is a device that allowsphysically combine two or more channels among themselves to ensure the transmission of a data stream from one device to another. At the same time, a third-level network switch (with a routing function) is capable of performing almost the same functionality as more complex routers. With their help, you can register virtual private networks, aggregate channels, configure the shaping of data streams, and also recognize the transmitted protocols by type.

Also, the network equipment is divided intothe data transfer speeds that it can provide. The most common are stomegabit and gigabit. But, lately, ten-gigabit network switches have become increasingly popular. This is not surprising, because the flow of transmitted information is growing day by day. A network switch can be four, eight, and so on in multiples of eight. It allows you to remotely manage a huge number of disparate devices, spaced geographically and technologically.

network switch

In addition, the network switch can berackmount or desktop. Desktop, as a rule, is used for small home local networks. Rack used to combine the already created subnets into one large, although they can do well with the local network.

Let's take a look at the examples of applications for a small desktop low-port switch:

  • a small peer-to-peer network - in the event that significant data flows are exchanged;
  • if the network is divided into groups that individually exchange large information flows within themselves, they can be separated from the rest of the network using a switch;
    Network switch
  • if the network has a need to connect toone device (for example, a server or a network printer), then the best solution would be to use a switch to aggregate request traffic to this device;
  • if you need to physically extend any communication channel, then the switch can be safely used as a repeater and signal amplifier;
  • switches connected to each other can form extensive networks with a large number of connected nodes.

As you can see, the applications of the networkswitch there is a huge amount. This all-in-one device will help you to organize high-quality, high-quality networks.

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