/ / Purple Lotus ("WoW"): where to find, what it is for

Purple Lotus ("WoW"): where to find, what it is for

Herbalism is one of the main professionswhich can learn a character in World of Warcraft. To achieve the skill of 210 points, the players are faced with the need to harvest new herbs: purple lotus, golden sansam and many others. If things are more or less good with ordinary herbs, then getting purple lotus is not so easy, because this plant belongs to one of the four sub-species of noble lotuses that grow only in places filled with special energy. Absorbing information from the surrounding space, they are able to give it to miraculous compositions, for the preparation of which they are most often sought.

purple lotus

Who needs a lotus

Modest and at the same time very unusual in appearanceThe purple lotus is necessary, first of all, for alchemists and devotees. The first can use it to make very strong potions for protection or to cook elixirs. Do not do without it, and the characters who study tailoring. By the way, the purple lotus "WoW" is still in great demand, despite the fact that the update 3.3.5, in which this plant was added, came out a few years ago. The fact is that players are still creating new characters who need to pump professions. Not having such a valuable reagent, pumping alchemy, tailors and tracings stops at around 210-250 points. That is why herbalists collect an amazing flower and sell it at auction for good money.

What is made of purple lotus

As stated above, belonging to the noblelotuses flower is needed to create a variety of things. For example, tailors can make from it a magnificent bag for collecting herbs, alchemists - potions for protection from magic and elixirs for gaining the ability to breathe underwater, as well as a philosopher's stone. Scribers, chopping purple lotus, get violet and ruby ​​dyes, from which they can make inks for the manufacture of large and small characters. Those characters who master the profession of enchanting objects and weapons use this variety of lotus as the main ingredient for making simple or sparkling mana oil.

purple lotus

Where to collect

So, let's go to the main question of wherecollect purple lotus. Of course, it is growing far from everywhere. Thickets of this plant can be found in Tanaris and in the glades of Stranglethorn, in the ruins of the Forgotten City and in Azshara. In addition, it is possible to find single plants in Zul Gurub, Ferallace, Inner and Badlands. It grows mainly near the buildings of the trolls, destroyed by time.

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