/ / Bootsqm.dat - what kind of file and whether it can be deleted

Bootsqm.dat - what kind of file is it and whether it can be deleted

Users who like to dig into their operating system, meet an enviable periodicity in still unexplored folders or files. This article will deal with one of these phenomena.

We'll take a closer look at the bootsqm.dat file, find out why it appears in the system, and whether it can be removed from the computer's disk.

bootsqm dat that for the file


Many may notice that after installationA new operating system, this file will not appear. By the way, it is located in the root directory of the local disk (by default this drive is assigned the letter "C"). So the question arises: what is the bootsqm.dat file, and for what reason does it appear?

bootsqm dat what is this file

It is already clear from the expansion that thisa file carrying some kind of data. But you will not be able to open them for viewing, as you will need a special program. Read the data in the notebook will also fail, since all information is encrypted. When you open it, you will only see a set of incomprehensible symbols.

So, we have already figured out what the bootsqm file is.dat is a data file. But which ones? It is important to know that it appears only after scanning the disk. By the way, scanning can be performed using both third-party programs and built-in utilities. After starting a scan of a disk, bootsqm.dat is created, which records all the information about the work done.

Now you know what bootsqm.dat is, but it's too early to finish this article. The last question remains.

Can I delete

Having figured out what the bootsqm is.dat, you should ask: can I delete it? We will try to judge logically. If this file is not created when the system is installed, then its removal does not harm it in any way. As for the operation of scanning disks, then there is not everything so unambiguously. Of course, the removal can not prevent re-scanning, but it can occur many times longer, since the program or utility will check the disk space for a new one, not relying on previously made notes.

It's simple - if you rarely scan the disks, and its duration does not matter, then you can safely delete the bootsqm.dat file.

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