/ / How to remove Webalta from Mozilla firefox: instructions for beginners

How to remove Webalta from Mozilla firefox: instructions for beginners

Now very often the question "how to removeWebalta from Mozilla Firefox ». In this article, I'll tell you how to get rid of this hated by everyone search engine. Plus, there will be a little explanation for the actions and the program itself. So, next you will learn how to remove Webalta from Mozilla Firefox.

how to remove webalta from mozilla firefox

Required Information

Webalta is a specific search engine.It was created by Russian developers. They at the beginning of the creation of their product confidently said that they would remove such a company as Yandex from the world market. But, as time showed, this did not happen. So they decided to act in a different direction. Developers of this system without the permission of users built in browsers the product. At the same time, the creators tried very well that people could not get rid of their implementation by usual means. Naturally, the developers plan to enslave the whole market failed. And now almost every user who has encountered the Webalta system considers it a viral program. Below is a detailed instruction that answers the question "how to remove Webalta from Mozilla Firefox".

remove search engine from firefox


The developers of the "Webalta" system were veryuneasy people. Therefore, their product can not be removed by a simple replacement start page. We have to go deep into the source of the problem. First, format this search engine from the control panel (remove the program). In this case, this operation must be repeated two times. Next, in order to completely remove the search engine from "Firefox", perform the following actions.

  • Open the program to edit the registry. To do this, click Start and select Run. In the new window, type regedit.
  • Before you open the program to edit the registry. Here you need to click "Edit", where you can select "Find". Next, enter the line "webalta".
  • You will have a list of registries where the content you are looking for is available. You need to delete them one at a time.
  • To quickly repeat the search procedure, you can press the F3 key. As a rule, this process needs to be done about 10 times.
  • The final step is the usual change of the start page by standard means.

additional information

Previously, you learned how to remove Webalta from MozillaFirefox. And at best you can manage this instruction. But in some situations you will need to do a few more actions: edit the file "user.js". It is located at the following address: "Documents and Setting - ADM - Application Data - Mozilla - Firefox - Profiles - ***. Default", where ADM - means the user name, and *** - the individual symbolic designation. Open this file and erase the lines where any mention of "Webalta" is contained. In return, you can immediately assign your start page. By writing the address in the format "http: // link.domain". You can also search the entire hard disk. So you definitely will not leave this search engine any chance.

, how to remove the program from the computer


Today, very often the query "howremove the program from the campaign. " But some do not even try to get rid of this annoying system. This article will help you remove Webalta once and for all. By the way, you can use the above instructions to get rid of "Webalta" in other browsers. Only with the exception that you need to change the location of personal files.

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