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Unauthorized access

Unauthorized access to information andvarious ways to protect against this undesirable event fall into the sphere of interest of the average Internet user more and more often. Interest in this topic is growing on news from the world of cyberwar, information spying and after reading reports about the emergence of all new Trojan programs, alarmist reports about which are often distributed by antivirus vendors. All this shaft of negative information creates the illusion of being unable to prevent unauthorized access to a simple user's computer. In fact, the truth, as usual, is close. And considering possible threats to your PC, it is necessary to evaluate not ephemeral and expensive ways of hacking using "hackers of the eightieth level", and soberly assess who might need the information that is stored in it. And, therefore, choose methods of protection proportional to the threat.

To date, the main security threatsconnected to the computer network lurk on infected sites and send over the Internet copies of its viral software to botnet networks. Interestingly, both the first and the second do this to expand the list of infected computers. The more such a network, the more opportunities (including unauthorized access to infected machines) from its operator.

No less dangerous programs in the automaticmode scanning specific ports of random computers for attempts to pick up passwords for remote control tools running on them (RAdmin, TeamViewer, Remote Desktop Access, etc).

As you can see, in the first and second cases, the infection occurs without human intervention, the attackers place traps and just wait for the next "victim" to fly into them - an unprotected PC.

In addition to these two, the most common methodspenetration, there are others, such as unauthorized access to information about passwords and keys to various payment systems (WebMoney, Yandex-money, etc.). To obtain this type of data, criminals often have to resort to very tricky combinations and write complex software, luring the user with promises of "free cheese."

But all these and numerous other wayspenetration into the computer system is difficult or almost impossible to imagine without connecting this system to the Intranet or the Internet. So, protecting your PC from unauthorized access should take this fact into account. Counteraction should focus primarily on the maximum limitation of access to the PC from the outside with the help of a firewall, the most famous and common solutions: Agnitum outpost, Kerio Winroute, Zone Alarm, Agava Firewall. And to check the allowed incoming traffic, it is advisable to use antivirus solutions that can monitor this traffic for the penetration of malicious content and programs, as well as suppressing the activity of infected sites. Among the most famous antiviruses who know all this and much more, products of companies Eset, Kaspersky Lab, Avast, AVG and others.

The program complex of a good firewall(configured with the configuration wizard for maximum security) and an antivirus with the latest databases ensures that your computer will bypass both the botnet network and numerous hacker and infected sites. They will break their teeth about such protection and all sorts of port scanners and other evil spirits trying to penetrate the computer through existing vulnerabilities in every unprotected PC. In other words, unauthorized access to such a system will be extremely difficult, and in order to still break through the protection will have to use such an arsenal of funds, the costs of which will exceed all the benefits of the results of hacking. Which is what we need.

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