/ / How to call Odnoklassniki. How to call a friend in Odnoklassniki

How to call Odnoklassniki. How to call a friend in Odnoklassniki

What opportunities do not offer todaysocial networks to their users! This includes communication with friends and family (even if they are thousands of kilometers away), and the opportunity to make new acquaintances (including people from other cities and even countries). As for the service, it’s up to the mark: please upload photos and videos, listen to music and watch movies, join interest groups, learn about the latest events and share your news with others. All this is possible if you have a page in Odnoklassniki, for example. However, until recently, communication in the social network was limited only by text messaging (smiles and pictures do not count). Now everything has changed. Website developers have implemented a new service for their users - an analogue of Skype. In this article we will talk about how to call Odnoklassniki. By the way, it is very easy to do.

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Tools required for calls to Odnoklassniki

Let's start with the fact that the service canonly members of the social network. Probably, if you are reading this topic, then you already have a personal page. Now we’ll check for the presence of other required attributes, without which knowledge of how to call a friend in Odnoklassniki will be useless. We are talking about technical means. To make a video call (namely, such is the call in this social network) you must have the following:

  • camera (if it is external, then connect it via USB);
  • a microphone (as a rule, it does not have a USB connector, but a plug that connects to the green connector on the wall of the system unit);
  • headphones and speakers (there should be no problems with them);
  • Adobe Flash Player (you must first install it or upgrade to the latest version if it already exists on your computer).

Многие пользователи сегодня вместо стационарного computer use a laptop. In this case, most of the above attributes may not be needed. So, almost all modern devices have a webcam built in, like a microphone and speakers. If desired, you can use external tools to improve the sound quality, but not necessarily. In this case, before calling someone in Odnoklassniki, make sure you have the Flash Player program.

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Make sure your friend is online and call

So, all communication attributes are in place, you cantry to make your first call. Go to your page and open a list of friends. Choose the person with whom you want to talk and point the cursor at the photo of his profile. A drop-down list will open: select the item "Call" and click on it. At this stage, some people have problems - it simply does not work to call the selected friend in Odnoklassniki. The reason may be simple - at the moment it is not online. In this case, the call can not be made. It is best to discuss the time with the person when you plan to communicate.

Window with video call options

If the user is online, then afterpressing the corresponding button you will hear the sound of dialing. At the same time, a conversation window should appear, divided into two parts. In the left you can see your interlocutor (if you have a webcam), as well as yourself (if you have a camera). On the right is a menu with available options:

  • turn on or off the video;
  • enable or disable the microphone;
  • write a text message;
  • complete the call.

Также имеется шкала регулировки громкости звука и some other settings. When you first make a call, a window with Adobe Flash Player settings may appear, in which the application requests access to your camera and microphone. Select "Allow" and click "Remember".

If the connection is established successfully, then you shouldsee and hear your interlocutor, and he you. Here's how to call a friend in Odnoklassniki, having no other additional programs, including Skype. Of course, the connection will not be as high-quality as in the same Skype, but if it is impossible to use other call services, it is fine.

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Frequent problems when making a video call

Well, if the call was a success, and you couldchat with a friend. But often there can be various problems that you should be aware of before calling someone in Odnoklassniki. They are related to the quality of the video and sound. Consider them in more detail.

Poor video quality

You do not see the interlocutor.If the video quality is poor, then the reason may be a weak camera (you or a friend). Usually these are on laptops. If you want to see each other clearly, you will have to fork out for more powerful external cameras (however, they cost only a little more).

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Low quality / low sound

Плохой звук.If you can hardly hear the interlocutor, then the reason may be in the low volume of the speakers you have (it is worth increasing it). Also, your friend may have a low microphone volume - ask to increase it.

Bad connection with video and sound interference

It may happen that everything is bad at the same time:poor quality video, slow and interrupted, the same thing happens with sound. Most often this is due to a weak Internet channel. Since he does not have time to process the incoming information, then there are problems. The reason can be either the wrong Internet tariff or the weakly used connection modem. Check them out.

Это основные причины, которые могут помешать your normal communication with friends. If everything with the equipment is in order, and the calls fail, then nothing remains but to call the Odnoklassniki site administration. Perhaps the reason is in some work carried out on the site, and soon the problem will be solved. Contact information is directly on the site.

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New service in Odnoklassniki brings people closer

New service offered to userssocial networking can be very useful, especially if your friends and family are far away from you. A significant advantage of its use is that it does not require the installation of any additional programs and applications. Now that you know how to call Odnoklassniki (for free, of course), you will more often see your dear people and shorten the distance between you.

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