/ Passage of the quest "Exercise in Higher Alchemy". "The Witcher -3"

Passage of the quest "Exercise in Higher Alchemy". "The Witcher -3"

In order to enhance your alchemical skillsand explore some rare recipes, you will have to complete the quest "Exercise in Higher Alchemy". “The Witcher 3,” although it is quite a difficult game, but this task is no exception. Prepare well before you start this quest. To start this adventure, you will have to go to Skellige Islands. There, on the main island, go to its eastern part and find the mark "Oak Gedinate". North of it you will be waiting for the druid Gremmist, who will launch a chain of tasks.

exercise in higher alchemy witch 3


Quest "Exercise in Higher Alchemy" ("The Witcher-3")consists of three parts. First go to the next village. There you will find another druid, puzzled by the question of calling for rain. Your task is to help him.

In principle, nothing complicated.Remember the "Uncle" ritual in Velen? Everything will be exactly the same, only now your opponents will not be utopians and a water woman, but fogs. It is much more dangerous, but it is fairly easy to pass with the help of the Quen sign and decoction of ekimma.

After completing the ritual, the druid will go toGremmista, and you can proceed to the next task of the quest "Exercise in Higher Alchemy". "Witcher 3" does not differ originality in quests, so this time you will again have to hunt down the monster.


Now you must find the plant "kurolep".Sit on the Roach and drive to the valley in which it grows. Upon arrival, the witcher will see that all the flowers are torn off, and the meadow is trampled. But here is another druid. He will complain to you that some young students have disappeared, having gone here for flowers. Agree to help him.

Search the clearing with the witch's intuition.Follow the tracks found, not forgetting to destroy the monsters encountered. And there will be a lot of them, and not all are easy opponents. Especially head eyes. At the end of the path you will stumble upon several neat graves in which the missing druids lie. The sad news, but next begins a new trail. It's time for another chase.

Witcher 3 exercises in the highest alchemy passage

Дойдя до места, вы, наконец, настигнете убийцу...and her next victim. A succubus with the last young druid will appear before you. If you have already encountered a similar creature in Novigrad, you should have read in the bestiary that the succubus do not kill people for food or entertainment, but only in "ecstasy" if they stop controlling themselves. So once again you have to choose whether to save the life of this hybrid.

  • If you listen to the older druid and kill the succubus, then you will have to look for the path to the cave yourself with the help of a witch's instinct.
  • Spare the creature, and it will itself give you the flower of Kuroslep in gratitude.

It is time for the last stage of the quest "Exercise in Higher Alchemy". The Witcher 3 is full of the most dangerous monsters and monsters. This time you will have to defeat the Cyclops.


So, go to the distillery.There is nothing special to do here. Only kill the cyclops 28 level. After that, you can do the most peaceful occupation in the game The Witcher-3. Quest "Exercise Higher Alchemy" will force you to cook alcohol for the druid.

Обыщите домик и найдите записи винокурщика.By him you can learn the recipe of the drink. Separately, remember the order of levers - it will be useful to you. After this, approach the mechanism and rise along the stairs to the upper platform. There will be malt, necessary for cooking. After that get down and follow the directions from the recipe.

witcher 3 quest exercise of higher alchemy

The final

Perhaps the most unexpected ending of the quest inthe whole game "The Witcher 3". "Exercises in higher alchemy," the passage of which you read, coming to an end. With the inventory kurolepl and swipes, as well as inviting the druid on the gathering, go to Gremmista.

Having received all necessary, he will expel you andask to come back in the morning. The next day, come to him and join the drunk. In its course, you will learn all the secrets of "higher alchemy." Immediately after completing the quest, be sure to trade with him and buy the recipe for the rebis substance. You won't get it anywhere else, but it will come in handy often.

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