/ / IS-7 - World of Tanks Guide

IS-7 - World of Tanks Guide

It's no secret that there is no World of TanksThe tanks, which would allow players to win almost every battle. This project respects a very clear and competent balance - and at the same time the developers manage to maintain a realistic performance of almost all tanks. Many gamers say that the Soviet heavy tank IS-7 is imboy, that is, it breaks out of the overall balance and gives gamers an unfair advantage. However, only those who have never played on this tank can say that. Of course, in some cases, you can see how this model in the chips carries enemy defenses, but this option is only available to those who can act on this machine. If you decide that everything will be given to you very easily, you will quickly be disappointed with the IS-7. Hyde will help you to understand what advantages of the tank you need to use in the first place, as well as what disadvantages to hide.

Pros of IS-7

Is 7 Hyde

On the IS-7 guide - this is your shortcut to successon this tank. Naturally, no one here will give you universal knowledge that will save you in any situation. But at the same time you can learn a lot of useful information, which you can then apply in combat, developing your own strategy of battle. Accordingly, it is necessary to begin with the brightest advantages that are available for this model. First of all, pay attention to the mobility of this tank - it is incredibly mobile, can develop a good speed and correctly unfold. Sometimes it even starts to seem that this is not a heavy tank, but an easy one or at least an average one. The combination of a powerful gun and a thick layer of frontal armor makes the IS-7 one of the best tanks of the ram type that can be used to break through the enemy's defensive line. It is impossible not to note the small size of the tank itself, which makes it even more mobile, as well as elusive for enemy shells. A wide view, an excellent radio station with a large coverage, an impressive mass for such a small size - all this makes this model one of the best in the game. Do not forget to attribute to all this high rate of fire of the gun - and then there will be no doubt that this tank can make anyone scared. Naturally, it is now clear where the reasons are coming from in order to believe that this model is an imba. However, according to IS-7, the guide will show you that even with such a tank, not everything is perfect.

Cons of IS-7

gid i is 7 from jova

Many guides show this tank as idealamong other TTs. But the guide offered by us on IS-7 will not hide anything and will give you information that corresponds to reality. It is very important that you know not only the pluses, but also the minuses of the machine, in order to fully understand and understand it, create tactics for it and use it in combat. So, start with the ammunition - it disperse very quickly, and if you do not follow it, you can remain unarmed right in the middle of the battlefield. It is also worth noting that thick armor is not yet an indicator of survivability, while in the IS-7, it, in addition to the frontal part of the tank, in all its other departments, has an extremely low strength. And if you are struck by it, you may have serious problems. So know - only frontal armor is capable of demonstrating the wonders of strength. Plus, the tank under the lower sheet of armor has a weak point, which can lead to detonation of an already small stock of shells. You, by the way, can read the IS-7 guide from Jowa, in which you will learn some other aspects, but the above information is the basic information that every player should know.

Battle tactics

7 guides from amway921

The IS-7 GUIDE from Jowa will tell you about how bestjust break through with this tank, and here you will see the confirmation of this information. Yes, this model is ideal for use in the breakthrough of enemy defense. But you can not deny the fact that the model is universal - if you want, you can even pretend to be PT-ACS. By the way, according to IS-7, the guide from Amway921 considers this possibility in more detail. So it is also desirable to get acquainted with it.


a guide on the tank of IS 7

When it comes to modules, the guide on the IS-7 tank is notrecommends doing no experiments - take a better standard set. The dispatcher will increase your reloading speed, ventilation will increase the skills of your crew, which will improve the characteristics of your tank on the battlefield, and the stabilizer will help you to shoot more accurately on the move, which is simply necessary for a similar machine.

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