/ / What is better to buy: a netbook or tablet?

What is better to buy: a netbook or a tablet?

The development of modern technology is enormouspace. Every day a new device appears on the market, which by its technical parameters is several orders of magnitude higher than its predecessors. So, in our life included tablets, netbooks, laptops and smartphones. At the same time, the appearance of each specific device on the market lags behind each other not so much that mankind had time to thoroughly master one thing, as a fundamentally new thing enters the market.

netbook or tablet
However, all the new equipment can be conditionally dividedto conventional devices and devices that have mobile functions with the capabilities of offline use, such as a laptop, netbook, tablet. The price of portable equipment is slightly higher than stationary models, but their functions are being improved every day more and more.


To date, almost all mobiledevices compete with each other. Their manufacturers constantly reduce the size of their equipment, develop new software and provide it with additional functions and parameters. At the same time, if smart phones occupy their own separate category, thus retiring from the general struggle, the question remains which is the best: netbook or tablet.

Game component

tablets netbooks laptops

Выбирать тип устройства необходимо исходя из needs of the user, and the ability to play various games occupies leading places in the selection of such equipment. At the same time, it can be immediately noted that netbooks cannot compete with stationary computers in games, due to weak graphic cards and the lack of budget developments in the field of the gaming industry. Tablets in this regard are more developed and have a large list of good programs in this area.

Netbook or tablet: weight and dimensions

This parameter is equally important for mobiledevices. However, in this regard, the leading place remains behind the tablet, since only they currently have great functionality with minimal dimensions.

Netbook or tablet: keyboard

The data entry system on the tablets is organizedusing the touch screen and special application. Netbooks also have a mechanical keyboard, like on a computer, so the choice of this type depends only on the personal preferences of the user.

Extra options

netbook tablet Price

Отвечая на вопрос, что лучше выбрать -нетбук или tablet, you should take into account many different parameters and additional functions. It is necessary to select the device according to the requirements for their use. If you need a computer to play or work, it is best to use a tablet with the most convenient operating system. For fast typing, many prefer to use a netbook. Recently, however, the development of tablets and software on them began to crowd out other devices from the market. This became especially noticeable with the advent of cheap Chinese models that can compete with other devices.

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