/ / Headphones MDR EX15LP SONY: description, specs, reviews

Headphones MDR EX15LP SONY: description, specs, reviews

Standard headphones-"gags" are available on the marketin a huge assortment. Variety is due not only to a wide range of manufacturers, including world brands, and little-known Chinese brands, but also the main characteristics. The last aspect should be paid special attention, since the models of this class do not often have a rich internal content. This especially applies to the initial price level. It is here that the modification of the SONY MDR EX15LP is presented, which absorbed the brand advantages of the Japanese manufacturer's products, but it did not get rid of common shortcomings of the budget segment headphones.

General information about the model

mdr ex15lp sony

It should be noted immediately that the development is notis the youngest in the manufacturer's lineup. Its price tag on the Russian market is 600-700 rubles. At the same time, there are models worth 500 rubles. The device MDR EX15LP SONY is remarkable in that the main emphasis in it was on minor qualities. In terms of sound capabilities, this model is consistent with younger versions of headphones, "plugs", but the stylistic and structural features distinguish it from the general background of inexpensive analogues.

It can not be said that the model is very much on thethe edge of the segment on the quality of playing music, but this is not its strong side. At least you can find many options that will ensure a more decent reproduction for the same money. The advantages of MDR EX15LP SONY, rather, are its external parameters - from design to interesting design solutions.


sony mdr ex15lp

Earphones even among users rarelyassociated with electronics, in principle, designed to provide high-quality sound. First of all, they focus on ease of use and comfort. In this direction, the creators of the MDR EX15LP SONY headphones worked, the characteristics of which can be presented as follows:

  • The minimum reproducible frequency is 8 Hz.
  • The maximum frequency level is 22 000 Hz.
  • The sensitivity of the model is 100 dB.
  • The resistance is 16 ohms.
  • The peak power of the device is 100 mW.
  • Mounting - not provided.
  • The size of the membrane of the headphones is 9 mm in diameter.
  • Connector - standard for a 3.5 mm plug.
  • The type of connector is straight.
  • Weight - 3 g.

The company "Sony" is known for a thorough approach todesign of their products. In this case, she sought to combine structural features with ergonomic requirements. One of the main features was the introduction of silicone inserts, thanks to which the headphones SONY MDR EX15LP comfortably stay in the ears, while providing good noise insulation. Also worth noting the use of neodymium magnets. This is not a revolutionary step in the segment of budget headphones, liners, but they are rarely used by companies that focus on the initial level of the market.

Sound quality MDR EX15LP SONY

headphones sony mdr ex15lp

If we evaluate the model as a product from the eminentproducer, then, of course, this is not the best option for a music lover. However, the very membership of the device in the budget category makes it necessary to make discounts in the requirements. In many respects, the situation is also saved by neodymium dynamics, due to which balanced reproduction is provided. Many even characterize the SONY MDR EX15LP as a powerful headset, capable of confidently working with a wide frequency range. By and large it is so, but only with some reservations. First, the middle spectrum sins with a weak and even a deafening play. Secondly, the basses are upset by flat and monotonous reproduction without pronounced sound relief on the bottoms.

Positive feedback about headphones

If the sound characteristics of the model are notcorrespond to the price tag, and devices from less well-known manufacturers can compete with them, in the case of design, bundling and design solutions, the situation is different. Users praise the model for the presence of three interchangeable ear pads, a convenient design of cases with speakers and design solutions SONY MDR EX15LP. Reviews also note the compactness and small mass of the device. By the combination of positive opinions, we can conclude that this option is suitable for practical people who appreciate the ergonomic qualities of electronics. For fans of the original style, the model will also be a winning purchase - the manufacturer produces headphones in several colors.

sony mdr ex15lp reviews

Negative feedback

Operating experience of the device of many ownersindicates a short service life of structural parts and wires. Perhaps the creators did not use the best plastic, as the breakdown of the case is quite common. In turn, the thin wire not only breaks under heavy loads, but also wears out quickly. By the way, many warn against buying a white version of the model, as the product quickly gets dirty. Based on the negative opinions, we can conclude that the home environment is the best place where you can use the headphones SONY MDR EX15LP. The reviews also emphasize that the model is sensitive to low temperatures, from which the cable suffers. True, in the protection of street use of the device says a very good noise insulation.


headphones sony mdr ex15lp reviews

Each version of in-ear headphones from the budgetsegment has many serious drawbacks. Some models do not cope with playing music throughout the frequency range, others deliver a lot of problems in terms of ergonomics, and others are not absolutely attractive externally. Against this background, the SONY MDR EX15LP headphones look more than winning, but a dubious safety margin spoils all the positive aspects. Only under the condition of careful and accurate treatment should focus on the purchase of this modification. This does not mean that headphones are not suitable for use in travel, but in all circumstances, one should take into account the peculiarities of the capricious temperature of the wire and the fragility of plastic. Regarding the quality of playback, too, not everything is perfect, but the presence of neodymium speakers slightly smoothes the impression of music. Also worth emphasizing a fairly wide frequency range, which is a rarity for inexpensive headphones of this class.

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