/ / Antivirus security. How to unlock a computer in a Windows environment

Antivirus security. How to unlock a computer in a Windows environment

2009, 2010 and the following years brought the invasion virus-extortionists. This is the kind of programs that appear in thetime of Windows start on the user's desktop in the form of a banner. Then - voluntary-compulsory please send a paid message to a certain mobile number. All user applications are blocked until the requirements of the attacker are met.

If you are trying to figure out how to unlockcomputer, and are ready to send sms, in any case do not do this. No one will give you guarantees that you will be freed from the virus. Rather, on the contrary, the attacker will continue to squeeze out money from you.

There are ways to remove malwareprograms like safe mode treatment, launching a bootable CD with anti-virus scanners, special resources on which the unlock keys are posted, etc. Some of them will be considered by us in more detail. All advice is purely informative.

How to unlock a computer from a virus without sending sms

There are several options, and all of them allow to remove a malicious banner from the desktop for free.

The first of them is to use the site of Kaspersky. On their resource is a deblocker script that generates a key for unlocking.

The second is to use the laboratory of the companyDoctor Web. The result will be similar to the previous one. Both resources are represented by serious anti-virus companies, which are closely involved in the issue of how to unlock a computer infected with a virus.

If the unlock key came up and the banner disappeared, check the PC again with an antivirus scanner with updated definitions, if there is any more malicious software.

Virus removal using Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

If the above methods do not give the expected effect, you can scan the computer with an anti-virus scanner from Kaspersky - Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. In order for the process to be accelerated, and the result predictable, it is better to perform the treatment in the diagnostic mode of Windows.

You can start this mode before booting the system while holding down the f8 key. As soon as the boot menu appears, select the option in it "safe mode" and run Windows.

The utility works in two modes: manual and automatic. It is recommended to perform a manual scan. In the selection of objects to be scanned, also include boot sector partitions and RAM.

Additional security

You can unlock your computer from the virus throughRegistry Editor. Some malware registers itself in the autorun via the Explorer.exe shell or through the user-initialization application Userinit.

Start the task manager with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Then choose the item "Remove task". In the "New task" field, enter "regedit".

Go to the CurrentVersion / Winlogon section, therethere are two keys: "Shell", and also "Userinit". In the first key, the value of explorer.exe must always be set. The second parameter is C: WINDOWSsystem32userinit.exe by default (comma must be at the end).

Of course, this is the best way to use thisin troubleshooting mode. How can I unblock a computer if the task manager does not start with the specified combination? Try the options Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Y, Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U, Ctrl + Alt + Shift + J. One of them can be a way to start the dispatcher.

We translate the hands of a computer clock

Sometimes annoying banner can be removed by translationsystem time back or forward for a significant period. It is clear that in this case you will have to use the BIOS. After starting the PC, press and hold Delete or another preset key until the BIOS SETUP utility starts.

Then we find the System Time and System Date parameters. In the first one, you can adjust the system time, in the second - put the date you need to delete the virus.

I hope that the information given on how to unlock the computer was useful and readable.

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