/ / How to change the date in Windows XP: the simplest methods, settings and recommendations

How to change the date in Windows XP: the simplest methods, settings and recommendations

As practice shows, the discrepancythe installed date and time in Windows operating systems (and not only XP) can greatly affect the computer's performance and cause a lot of errors, for example, with updates, installation of software products, etc. Now it will be considered how to change the date in Windows XP several the simplest methods. Among other things, we will dwell on additional settings and priorities.

How can I change the date in Windows XP in the simplest way?

Actually, the very process of changing the date and time on computers and laptops working under the control of "expiri" is not so complicated.

how to change the date in windows xp

The first and simplest way is to callcorresponding settings by double clicking on the clock icon in the system tray, unless, of course, its display is disabled by the user (by default the service is in the active state). Otherwise, access to the parameters can be obtained through the standard Control Panel, where the appropriate section is selected.

how to change the date windows xp

A window with standardtab, which displays a calendar, arrow and digital clock with the current settings. How do I change the date of Windows XP? Yes, it's very simple. In the fields above the calendar, we simply select the year, month, and date. Time is configured on the electronic clock by selecting each indicator and entering new data.

After that, you can also go to the selection tabtime zone, and then on the next tab, enable or disable synchronization with Internet time. Why is this necessary? Yes, just then, that the system clock always go exactly. It is best if the computer terminal has permanent access to the network.

How to change the date in Windows XP 3F-class from the command line?

There is another no less effective way forChanges to the current date and time settings. For example, take the Windows XP system with a third service pack of class 3F, which among all modifications is considered the fastest, because it is installed in just 3 minutes and 30 seconds. However, now is not about that.

how to change the date in windows xp

How to change the date in Windows XP of this version (and notonly) using commands? Elementary! First, from the "Run" menu (Win + R), call the command line (cmd). Here, the standard DATE command is used to set the date, after which a date is entered in the format "number-month-year" through a space (note, through a hyphen). To adjust the time, use the same TIME command followed by the time in the hour-minute-second format.

Priority BIOS

Now the most important thing!The fact is that changing the date in an already running system does not always work or allows you to correct some significant errors. Therefore, regardless of the installed "OSes", such settings are best done in the BIOS.

how to change the date in windows xp 3f

When you enter the BIOS settings on the main tabthere is a special line for setting the system date and time. It can be located either on top or just below (it all depends on the BIOS version and developer). It is recommended to change these settings here, since only such an installation in most cases allows you to get rid of system failures.

For stationary computers, you canmake a general reset of the parameters, preliminary for about ten seconds removing the battery that is on the motherboard. Alas, on laptops this option does not work.

The Council finally

It remains to add that the question of how to changeThe date in Windows XP, however, as in any other system, is solved quite simply. The only recommendation in the end: set these parameters exclusively from the BIOS. This is the best way. The system date and time will be automatically applied to the settings of the "operating system". Such a method will, as already mentioned above, get rid of some critical failures that can not be eliminated by the standard methods in the operating system.

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