/ / How to "Telegram" translate into Russian on a computer: ways for all OS

How to "Telegram" translate into Russian on a computer: ways for all OS

"Telegram" is a convenient and popular messenger forcomputers and telephones, all with one drawback: it does not have Russian. But this seems a problem only at first glance. In this article we will tell you how to translate "Telegrams" into Russian on a computer.

how to translate telegrams into Russian on a computer

Please note that the following methods are suitable primarily for PCs. The methods for smartphones are not much different, but still have their own specifics.


The developers of the program did not enter the Russian language in the list of available localizations in the settings, but how to translate "Telegrams" into Russian on a computer, they write on the official website.

Follow these instructions:

  • run the program;
  • go to the contact search bar (top field);
  • type (or copy here) telerobot;
  • "Telegram" will find the bot - click on it;
  • if you entered the correct name, the chat will open;
  • command the bot - send him a message in the chat with the text locate tdesktop;
  • in response, a file will appear in a couple of seconds, save it to your computer in any folder that you find convenient;
  • go to Settings in the main menu;
  • press Shift + Alt and click Change Language;
  • a window with a file selection will open - go to the folder where you saved the file sent by the bot, and select it;
  • When the window appears with an update, if you want to install a new language, click Ok.

The Russification is completed. You may need to restart the program.

how to translate a telegram into Russian on a computer

Important! When updating Telegraph and installing new versions, repeat all the instructions, since the localization settings of another version may not work correctly due to corrections in the localization code.

By the way! You can use another bot, RusLangBot and another command locale windows. There is no difference between them.


How to translate "Telegrams" into Russian oncomputer if you have an "apple" operating system? The instruction is similar to the above, however, with a single correction: use the command for bot locate osx.


The problem is how to translate "Telegrams" into Russian oncomputer with Linux, is that in the version of the program for this OS, the bot from the search for contacts is usually not located (although the attempt is not torture). If the bot was found - follow the instructions from Windows and send it the locale tdesktop RU command.

If the bot was not found - go to the official site"Telegram" and go to the page with localization files. Select Russian, download directly or click "Get from bot". By the way, in the same way you can download the file for both Windows and Mac.

translate telegram into Russian on the computer

The second problem with Linux with "Telegraph" is thatIn some distributions, the combination of the Shift + Alt keys that invokes the "Change Language" menu function does not work. To solve this, go to the settings and type on the keyboard loadlang.

Interesting! Lifefly with loadlang works on both Windows and Mac, although there is no reason to use it.

Online version

Unfortunately, the online version of the messenger can not be Russified. When you try to open the localization file, the program gives an error.

Alternative methods

All the above methods of how to translate"Telegrams" on the Russian language on the computer are official and verified. However, there are also ways of Russification from third-party developers in the form of programs with a name similar to the original messenger. It is not recommended to use them, because software from unknown sources often contains malicious code and can easily become a virus.

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