/ / Software - what is it? What kind of software program?

Software - what is it? What kind of software program?

Any computer user every dayfaced with such a thing as software. This is not surprising, because the modern understanding of this term is interpreted as “software”, or, in abbreviated form, “software” (“software”). Consider some important aspects regarding the types of software and the relationship with other components of computer systems. So what is Software?

General concepts

In a general sense, Software is a set of commands,directives for their execution on the basis of a programming language, a program or a set of programs that are responsible for the interaction not only between the user and the computer system, but also between the so-called computer hardware components or other applications designed for specific purposes.

software it

Depending on the functions assigned to the software, all software can be divided into several classes, which will be discussed later.

Hardware and Software: Differences and Interconnection

The interpretation of these two terms arose fromthe advent of the first computers. Today it is considered that Hardware is the hardware of a computer (“iron” components) that you can touch with your hands (motherboards, processors, RAM, peripherals, and other devices in the system itself or connected to it).

software translation

Совершенно противоположное толкование у термина Software. Translation can be presented literally as a "soft product." In a broader sense, it means that the program cannot be touched, it is in a sense even a certain virtual component.

И, что самое интересное, для обеспечения using hardware or accessing its capabilities, special software in the form of special control programs responsible for the operation of such devices (drivers, BIOS I / O command sets, etc.) must be used.

The term Software itself, the translation and interpretation of whichnow used everywhere in the context of software, even at the dawn of the development of computer technology was not in use. And only in the early 60s of the last century was formed completely. This was due to the introduction of a clear distinction between the teams responsible for managing the computer hardware and the end user. The interconnected classes (Software and Hardware) began to be called hardware-software complexes.

Software classification by several criteria

Since Software is the software partAny computer system such software can be divided into several large categories based on the tasks assigned to it. For example, the use and replication of software is divided into corporate (custom-made for large firms and companies) and software for a wide range of users.

By the criterion of portability programs can beplatform-dependent (working exclusively in the same environment and with one type of hardware) and cross-platform (adapted to completely different systems).

По типу распространения ПО можно разделить на closed programs, open (regarding open source source code with a GNU license) and free. In addition, it often includes free, paid and shareware software. The latter type of application has full or partially limited functionality for a certain period of time, after which it will have to be purchased. Otherwise, it will stop working.

what is software

But for the purpose of the classification implies the presence of three large categories of software:

  • systemic;
  • applied;
  • instrumental (development tools, tools and utilities).

System software

The system components are not only applications in the usual sense. In fact, operating systems are also programs.

software what is this program

However, system software can often be presentedoneself in the form of a certain layer that connects user programs with the environment of the operating system in which they operate and with the hardware involved in the performance of a task (for example, the same device drivers).

To make it clearer, we give the simplest example.Take the Windows operating system (system layer), the sound card (hardware) and the media player (application software). In order for the soundcard to reproduce sound, you need a driver (system software) that provides control of the device by the operating system itself, which is also the platform for the player. Since the system recognizes the device, through its directives, it transfers control of it to the player, in order to recognize the type of sound file using special codecs and decoders (additional software tools). The relationship is obvious.

Application programs

Applications include all those applications that do not control the components of the system or use them only partially, but solve strictly defined specific user tasks.

hardware and software

There are a lot of examples today:office suites, multimedia editors, mathematical computing and design systems, Internet access and network management tools, archivers, etc. As you can see, each type of software (Software) is a tool focused on performing a narrow circle of tasks and interacting directly with user whole computer system.

Tools and utilities

Software tools includefor the development and maintenance of other types of software. This could include programming language platforms, development environments, SDKs, bug tracking and version control systems.

software it

As for utilities, under them oftensoftware products are meant for setting parameters of hardware and / or software components included in a unified computer system, without which no other methods can access settings by other methods. Such software can be built into the operating system or installed separately. In some cases, utilities may involve the full automation of settings (for example, optimizer applications to correct errors and improve the performance of Windows systems).

Instead of an afterword

Finally, it is worth noting that manyusers often have another question about the term Software: “What is this program?” Such a statement of the question is somewhat incorrect, because, as mentioned above, this can be not only a single application, but also a set of programs, a set of language commands, directives and rules of a programming language to control other components or transfer them for processing and execution as a binary code, say, to the central processor.

The above classification is also very conditional,Indeed, in the description were presented only the main types of software without further subclassing, which today can be counted very, very much. But for the initial understanding of the term Software itself, this knowledge can suffice an ordinary user.

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