/ / How to improve video quality in a software player

How to improve video quality in a software player

Computing power of modern computersincrease with each new model. In part, even the need for "dispersal" of their components has become unnecessary. However, as it often happens, the modernization of the software component does not keep pace with the hardware progress. That's why on the web you can meet the question "How to improve the quality of video?". Let's figure out who and why he is asking, and how to solve the sounded problem.

One of the tasks of any computer that is proudthe name "Multimedia" is the ability to play video. And not in a slideshow, but smoothly and in good quality. Ideally, the user does not need to learn how to improve the quality of the video, but practice proves the opposite.

The viewing process can be divided into several stages:

- The organization of access of the operating system to the video file (the file can be written on any medium or be on the Web);

- launch of a special application capable of converting the coded digital file stream into an image on the screen.

Consequently, improving the quality of video is possibletwo ways. Almost always a video file is compressed by special algorithms (x264, Xvid, etc.) video stream. This is done to reduce the amount, which is uncompressed in hundreds of gigabytes (depending on the time). For those who are looking for a way to improve video quality, you can recommend viewing only high-quality files (compression level is minimal).

You can watch videos on your computer withspecial programs - players. It is obvious that the quality depends to a great extent on them. As already mentioned, the compressed stream loses some of the information initially contained in it, but thanks to the various modes of software processing, it is possible to realize an improvement in the video in the players themselves. From the user, you only need to configure. It is important to remember two conditions: the performance of the CPU and the video card must be at the proper level, and the quality of the file being played should be at least a good average level.

Consider, for example, how to improve the quality ofvideo. Almost all modern software players support the possibility of improving the displayed picture. Some more, others less. To play the video, you need codecs installed in the operating system. These are special files that the installer copies into system folders, registered and registered in the registry. In simple terms, a codec is an "instruction" for a program, how to interact with a certain type of multimedia files. Often the codecs support the settings.

Media Player, part of the Windows system,is quite functional, but it implements a minimum of video quality settings. You can access the codec (decoder) ffdshow, which is often used to process the video stream (Service - Options - DVD (optional) .In order to improve the video, activate the "Deinterlacing" and "Postprocessing." In the last runner, the Presets are moved to the extreme right position.

Next player, Media Player Classic, exceptffdshow, has built-in capabilities. Start, press "O". To improve the video, follow the "Play-Output" and select "DirectShow video". Now the most progressive is madVR.

One of the most "advanced" in this regardplayers - PotPlayer. It has many functions to improve the output image. Can open video files even without using third-party codecs. After starting the program, press F5 (settings). The choice of the menu item is obvious - "Video". Here you can select a handler and some other options. If you have problems with playback, you need to return everything back. In the color space, select "High-quality transformation" and turn on hardware processing. Deinterlacing set in the "Automatic". The item "Video processing" contains a huge list of improvements. The decision on the appropriateness of their use is taken individually.

Also worth noting VLC Player - it is one of the best for streaming video.

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