/ / How the Fifth Generation Operating System Works on the Ipad 2

How the Fifth Generation Operating System Works on the Ipad 2

Каждый год американская компания Apple, которая is a pioneer in the production of various gadgets and devaysov, pleases its fans with new versions of their favorite devices, as well as operating systems for their excellent work. So this year - he was no exception.

According to some sources, Apple plans to release the fifth-generation operating system for the latest generation of iPods, iPhones, and iPad2 tablets for the fall.

The work of the new fifth generation operating systemiOS 5 on the tablet computer iPad2, was clearly presented in a video published by employees of the publication 9 to 5 Mac. This operating system is not yet available for purchase. Apple ipad2 in the video was presented with a beta version of iOS 5. So, 9 to 5 Macs made it possible to visually see the performance and all the innovations of iOS 5. Innovations cover such functions as notifications, calendar, iMessage and much other. In addition, a new version of the Safari browser was introduced.

The authors of the tested operating systemnote that, unlike the beta versions of previous OSs, iOS 5 runs much faster and more stable, without failures. True, at the moment, only the developers of Apple and participants of the Enterprise Program and iPhone Developer Standard can appreciate all the delights of the new system.

For the first time, iOS 5 operating system waspresented to the world at the developer conference of the WWW 2011. The conference was held on June 7 of this year. As reported, the final version of the firmware will be released in the official sale in the fall of this year.

Tablet computer owners firstgenerations may not be in a hurry to type in the ipad 2 search engine to buy the Novokuznetsk metro, because The operating system of the fifth generation iOS 5 will operate on both the second and the first version of the tablet. In addition, it is also available for such devices from Apple as iPhone4 (both GSM and CDMA standards), iPhone3GS, as well as the fourth and third generation iPod Touch.

A separate item I want to highlight the updatedSafari browser in the new version of iOS. The developers have tried their best. The mobile version of the browser in the latest version of the OS is more and more like its desktop counterpart. Thanks to the ability to work with tabs, as well as the ability to keep the article, browsing the web with the new browser version has become much easier and more enjoyable.

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