/ / How to throw a movie from your computer to iPad: step by step guide

How to throw a movie from your computer to iPad: step by step guide

iPad is a beloved by many peopledevice. With its help you can not only play, but also watch movies. The main thing is to upload the relevant content to the device. There are several ways to do this. Today we will try to find an answer to the question of how to throw a movie from the computer to the iPad. What about this operation is necessary to remember every owner of "apple" products?

It is important to note immediately that the proposed techniques will work for any device from Apple. So, with similar images it will be possible to transfer the video not only to "Aypad", but also to "iPhone".

how to throw a movie from your computer to your ipad

Working with formats

To begin with it is necessary to consider, that the mentionedDevaysy recognize not all video formats. If a document is not visible, then it is not possible to transfer it. The user will need to pre-use the converter and "overtake" the video in a format perceived by the device from Apple.

Today you can safely work with:

  • "MP4".
  • "M4B".
  • "AVI".
  • "MOU".

This completes the list of recognized formats. The rest of the video will have to work through the converter.

Methods of transmission

How to throw a movie from your computer to your iPad? To do this, you must use one of several methods.


  • work with iTunes;
  • transfer through iTools;
  • use third-party programs (for example, iFunBox).

The first two cases are used in practice most often. They take a minimum of time and effort. Therefore, they are given a greater preference.

iTunes and videos

How do I move a movie from my computer to the iPad?You can do it with the help of a universal program for Apple users called iTunes. This device allows you to synchronize devices and transfer not only video, but also music. The difference lies in the choice of different tabs in the program.

How to throw a movie from the computer to the iPad via "HayTunes"? The first step is to form a media library. Without it, during synchronization, there will be a complete removal of existing clips on the "Aipad".

how to transfer a movie from your computer to your ipad

Creating a media library is as follows:

  1. Turn on the computer and install iTunes. It is necessary to ensure the work with the last assembly of this software.
  2. Connect to the system using Apple ID.
  3. Go to the "File" tab, located at the top of the application.
  4. Move the cursor to the "Add to library" line.
  5. Click on the corresponding line LMC.
  6. In the window that appears, specify the videos you want to upload.
  7. Click on the control named "Apply / Open".

After a few minutes, the user will see the videos in the program. They will move to the "Movies" section. Some videos can be found in the item "TV show".

We synchronize

How can I transfer a movie from my computer to the iPad? After the previously described actions, it is necessary to synchronize the devices. With its help, the data will be transferred to "Aypad".

Synchronization of the media library in "HayTuns" is carried out approximately by this instruction:

  1. Connect to the computer via USB-cable iPad. The required cable should be included with the purchased device.
  2. Run and start working with iTunes.
  3. Go to "Devices". It is located on the top of the application.
  4. Select "Aypad" from the list that appears.
  5. Click on the item "Movies".
  6. Set the synchronization parameters. Here you need to specify which documents you want to copy to the device.
  7. Click on "Synchronize". This control is located at the bottom right of the screen.
  8. Specify, if necessary, the videos to be sent. Usually this step is skipped.
  9. Repeat steps 5-8 with the "TV show" section.

From now on it is clear how to add a movie from the computer to the iPad. This is only one of the available techniques. You can go another way. It is not used in practice so often, but still takes place.

how to add a movie from your computer to your ipad

"АйТулс" in the help

It's about using the iTools application.This utility helps to transfer data to "apple" devices without unnecessary synchronization. Such a solution significantly speeds up the process of copying information.

How can I transfer a movie from my computer to the iPad in this way? Necessary:

  1. Install iTools on your PC.
  2. Open the "Media" section of the program menu.
  3. Select "Video".
  4. Connect the iPad to your computer. To do this, use a USB cable.
  5. Drag and drop the desired clips into the iTools window.
  6. If the system offered to download the converter, accept the changes. Download is free.

After the operation is completed, you can disconnect the device and enjoy the video. No synchronization, media library and other features! Everything is extremely simple and understandable.

iFunBox and video

From now on it is clear how to throw the film from the computer to the iPad. The last step is to use third-party programs. For example, iFunBox. Just a few simple movements - and the data will be on the "apple" gadget!

how to transfer a movie from your computer to your ipad

A step-by-step guide to dropping video on iPad via "iFanBox" looks like this:

  1. Run the program on the PC.
  2. Connect the iPad to the computer.
  3. Open the "Application programs" section.
  4. Select a player.
  5. Open the Documents folder on the right.
  6. Create a folder where the videos will be stored.
  7. Drag the movies into the appropriate section, like a flash drive.

You can disconnect the device from the PC. From now on it is clear how to throw a movie from the computer to the iPad. This is a very simple procedure.

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