/ / Laptop Lenovo G500

Laptop Lenovo G500

Each of us at least once in my life bought homea computer. Someone repeats this procedure every two to three years, someone more often or less often. Nevertheless, everyone finds themselves in a situation when one has to choose from a huge number of modern models with very different parameters that single one that will fit.

lenovo g500

What criteria should the field be limited tosearch? Price, parameters, form factor - each has its own requirements. But if you prefer mobility, simplicity and reliability, then the Lenovo G500 is your choice.

Technical specifications of the notebook

Strict design is a hallmark of thismanufacturer, and this model is no exception. The case of the laptop - without pretensions to pretentiousness, it hides the fast processor of the third generation and up to 16 GB of RAM. The mid-size display supports HD, which guarantees a high-definition image. Depending on the modification of the capacity of the drive varies from 320 GB to 1 TB. In some deliveries, the Lenovo G500 is equipped with a Radeon video card up to 2 GB. The laptop battery lasts up to 5 hours of operation. The case contains all the necessary connectors: microphone and headphones, USB-ports (with support for 3.0), a slot for memory cards, Ethernet port, HDMI. A quality audio system guarantees a clean sound. You can enjoy your favorite songs or watch the movie on DVD comfortably. And with a wireless Wi-Fi adapter it's easy to always stay in touch.

Once again about the problem of choice, or who will approach the G500

When buying a computer you need to be cleartasks that you plan to solve with the help of a valuable acquisition. Due to various modifications of the laptop Lenovo IdeaPad G500 satisfies a rather wide range of customer needs. With minimal parameters, this is a modest office workhorse, designed for documentation, reporting, Internet browsing and other small office matters.

lenovo g500 specs
For the home try to take if not olderrepresentatives of the model range, then at least confidently occupying an average niche in the same series. This is already a processor i5 and above, from 6 GB of RAM, from 500 GB - a hard drive. With such a laptop you can pass the time on the Internet while there is a video processing or building an important report. If at that moment there is a need to remotely connect to the office and immediately solve a small problem, then this task will be on the forces of IdeaPad G500. If you originally planned to remember your favorite games in your free time, then your choice is the top model. Complemented with an external video card, assembled specifically for fans of racing and "shooters" or experimenters - those who come up with a new processor and fill 16 GB of RAM.

The laptop Lenovo G 500 is considered: customer reviews as a criterion for choice

If you believe the saying that the two of you think andfaster and more accurately, then a good advice on the chosen model would have come at the right time. And if such advice, opinions, stories from personal experience will be a dozen? And then a hundred? It's unlikely that you will make a mistake, unless you accidentally get married. For this, there is a feedback system.

lenovo g500 price

Almost all online stores can be estimatedproduct and leave a detailed comment with an explanation of your assessment. From the assessments of buyers, the rating of the product is formed. So, with approximately the same characteristics and the price of two similar products, you can choose one that has caused a great liking of buyers. But you can not blindly trust everything that you read on the Internet. In addition, pay attention to a particular model, to which a positive or negative response was written, as well as the reasons that prompted the author to evaluate the purchase. If the buyer wanted to play a 3D game on the youngest model, then the laptop in this case of low evaluation does not deserve, because it was not intended for such tasks.

The price of the question, or how to find the optimal combination

Periodically, situations arise whenthe pursuit of a low price, we unjustifiably lose a lot in quality. Or, conversely, imagining the ideal parameters, we learn the price and are horrified. And the gold balance is somewhere in the middle. The most attractive thing in Lenovo G500 is the price. Not because it is not high, but because everyone can choose the ideal combination of computer parameters and the amount of money that should be given for these parameters. If you do not need a fourfold increase in processing power compared to your old laptop, then you do not have to overpay for it. Because the G500 can be selected individually. On average, the prices for this line of laptops from Lenovo range from 7,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Pleasant trifles

Any device, including the Lenovo G500,the characteristics of which were given above, in addition to directly technical parameters, there are other features. Pleasant to the touch plastic is unlikely to have a serious impact on performance, and a comfortable soft keyboard will not help the cooling work, but from these additional trifles gradually and grows confidence that by making this purchase, you will not regret.

laptop lenovo ideapad g500

The Lenovo laptop comes withpreinstalled with Windows 8 Pro, which has already managed to prove itself well. The official licensed version of the popular OS can hardly be called a "pleasant trifle," as well as an integrated backup and recovery system. Both the first and second rather - a solid argument in favor of this particular model.

Helpful Tips

Buying a new laptop, we hope that hewill serve us long. How to protect yourself from all sorts of trouble with technology? First, buy it only in the reputable stores with a good reputation. This will not save you from accidental factory marriage, but still give a guarantee of getting a quality product.

lenovo g500 specs

Secondly, take care of your equipment.Avoid getting foreign debris and liquids under the keyboard, the wrong location of the laptop on an uneven surface (this leads to overheating and failure of components). If you are not going to use the battery for a long time, remove it, discharging it by half. Watch for the timely update of the anti-virus software. If you follow these basic rules, your Lenovo G500 will work much longer than you imagine.

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