/ / Ash of Alar: where to get, how to beat out?

Ashes of Alar: where to get, how to beat out?

World of Warcraft is the most popularthe last ten years a multi-player role-playing game in the world. She gathered millions of fans who with great pleasure pumped their heroes, go to raids in the dungeons, exchange items, conclude alliances and lead clan wars. It is difficult to list all the outstanding features of this project, but special attention should be paid to mounts.

Mounts are creatures on which the character canMove with increased speed in the game world. There are a lot of them, they take a variety of forms and give different bonuses of speed of movement and ignoring of certain obstacles. Many of them can be bought freely, others need to be mined independently, but those that are most difficult to obtain are of the greatest interest. It's about a mount like Alar's Ash, called by the majority of gamers just Phoenix. This is the rarest mount in the game, and a huge number of people wondered how to get it. If you do not already know, then it's time to enlighten you. So, in this article you will find out what the Ashes of Alar are, where to get it and why it is such a rare creature.

What is this mount?

alar ash

First of all it is necessary to understand thatis represented by Asar's Ashes. As you could already understand, this is a fire bird Phoenix, which you can call for travel, if you have the same artifact. Most gamers agree that this particular mount is the most beautiful in the game, in many respects because of this everyone wants to get it for themselves. Naturally, there are other reasons, for example, the fact that it allows you to increase the speed of movement up to 280 percent. And if you have the maximum riding skill, then the speed on Phoenix rises to 310 percent, which is simply incredible - you will move around the game world more than three times faster. In addition to the beautiful appearance Phoenix also has incredible accompanying effects. For example, he leaves behind him in the process of flight impressive fire strips. In general, there are plenty of reasons for wanting to get the Ashes of Alar. However, what stops gamers?

Where to get it?

asar ashes

Well, it's time to sort out the details of the preya mount called the Ash of Alar. How to beat him out? Where to go after him? It can be obtained only in one place - in a raid dungeon called the Tempest Keep. This dungeon is not available to everyone - the minimum requirement is the presence of the seventieth level of your character. This means that heroes with a lower level will simply not be admitted there. Thus, you can get this mount only after reaching a certain level. The dungeon consists of three large halls and one main hall, as well as corridors connecting them together. In the first hall you will find directly Alar himself, who will have to be killed. However, you will not get ashes from him, so you need to move on. Here you will already have a choice: if you go to the left, then you will have to fight with the Void Guardian, and if you go to the right - with Zvezdochetom Solarian. Whichever path you choose, it will lead you to the final hall, where the final boss will be waiting for you, from which you can pick up the Ashes of Alar. Where to get this mount, you now know, but there is still a very serious battle ahead of you.

Keltas the Sunny Wanderer

how to take alar ash

So, the final boss of the dungeon Tempest Keep -this is the Keltas Sunstrider. He is incredibly strong, so you do not need to think that you will overcome him without problems and will be able to take what you want. This boss has an impressive set of spells, and also in itself causes serious damage. Moreover, if you go to a raid in a party (most likely, this is the case, because there is nothing to do for one hero in this dungeon: the chances for success are meager), Keltas can temporarily master the mind of one of the heroes, directing him against their own comrades. Add to this the fireballs, the rays of emptiness, the distortion of gravity and even the invocation of the combat Phoenix - and your opponent will seem incredibly formidable, you will not underestimate him any more.

Thus, you have now traveled to theend to get the Ashes of Alar. How to beat him out? It's pretty simple - you need to defeat Keltas and hope for luck. And it will be very useful to you, because you are unlikely to get the long-awaited ashes of Alar from the first. Where to get it, you already know, but you still do not know other important details.

Dungeon Features

where to knock ash of alar

Now you have no questions about whereknock out the Ashes of Alar, but you still do not know the important points that determine the rarity of this mount. First, you should pay attention directly to the dungeon itself - its visits are limited. You can enter the Tempest Keep only once a week, that is, you can visit it only four times a month. This means that you can not farm the mount every day from morning to night, which greatly reduces the likelihood that you will quickly get it. This already explains why the Ashes of Alar are so rare. "WoW" is a game in which you will have to make every effort to obtain the desired artifact, especially if it's Phoenix.

Chance of drop

 alar ash

But even with such rare visits to the dungeonsyou could get yourself a mount if he had a high chance of dropping. However, everything is not so simple - the probability that Kelta's death will drop after the death of Alar's Ashes is only 1.2 percent. This is incredibly small, and, according to the theory of probability, only in one of the hundred attempts you are lucky. Of course, this can happen before, but you should prepare for the fact that Phoenix will appear from the tenth, twentieth or even more unpleasant times. And maybe, and generally will not appear. And even if he drops out of Keltas, there is another barrier.


As you already knew, one character has to go through thisdungeon is not possible, so there are sent parties to 25 people. And the more people in the party, the less likely it is that you will be the first to grab the Ashes of Alar. That's why there are rumors that accounts with this mount were sold for more than a thousand dollars.

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