Your character in "Maincrafter" has a scalehealth, which empties, if you get mobs. You get damage, and if it is too much, and the health scale is completely empty, your character will die. This can not be tolerated in any case, so you always need to have some potions that will quickly restore your health. Of course, it is always possible to treat injuries, but it is much better to prevent them. And you can do it with armor. It absorbs some damage, thereby preventing your character from perishing. But how in "Maynkraft" to make armor?
As in all other cases, the armor in this gameis done according to recipes. The complete set consists of four elements - a helmet, cuirass, leggings and boots. Each element has its own recipe, so when you are wondering about how to make armor in Meincraft, be prepared for the fact that you have to memorize a lot of information. Any of the elements of the kit can be made from different materials, but this will be discussed later. Now it's important to concentrate on the recipe. Whatever material you use, its location on the bench will remain the same. So, to make a helmet, you need to arrange three blocks in the top row of the workbench, and two others - in the center cells of the right columns. The recipe for leggings differs only in that one more block is added to each of the extreme vertical columns. Boots are the simplest component - here you will only need four blocks of a specific material, and they will need to be placed in the bottom two corners (two pieces) and above them (two more pieces). Well, the most difficult recipe is for the cuirass. To make it, you have to fill all the cells of the workbench, except for the one that is above the central one. That's all the recipes, now you know how to make armor in "Meincraft." Now it's time to talk about what it can be made from.
If you want to learn how to make in "Maynkraft"armor, then it will be important for you to keep in mind not only the recipes, but also the materials from which the armor is made. The simplest and cheapest option is a leather set. Animal skins can be obtained very simply - by killing these very animals, so you do not have to make any special efforts. But it should be noted that this set of armor is the weakest. A little more stable can be called a gold version - it is rather expensive in manufacturing, since gold is not the most common material, but it looks incredibly noble and dignified. But if your goal is not aesthetics, but real protection, then it is recommended to make iron armor. It needs ingots of iron, which are made from ore, one of the most common materials, while the level of protection of such a set will be much higher. It is better to protect only diamond armor, but do not even say that these precious stones to extract even more difficult than gold. That's all four types of materials. Now you know how to make armor in Maynkraft, what resources are needed for this. Now pay attention in more detail to the level of protection.
It has already been said that armor absorbsa certain amount of damage. You go on a journey around the world of "Maincrafter". How to make iron armor - the first question that you have. But you do not know how it will protect you, how much damage it will absorb. All this is worth keeping in mind, in order to understand with what enemies it is better not to engage in battle, and which ones can not be feared. A whole set of leather armor neutralizes seven points of damage, the gold armor protects slightly better - from eleven units. The most common iron armor will absorb fifteen points of damage, and the most durable, made of diamond - as many as twenty. Each of the four elements of the kit has its own level of protection, the largest at the cuirass, the smallest - at the helmet and the boot. So you can wear them separately, but a full kit is highly recommended.
Unfortunately, your armor is not eternal, andIn time it will wear out. Speed depends both on the damage it absorbs and on the material from which it is made. As with the absorption of damage, here each element has its own indicators. Naturally, the leather helmet wears out most quickly - only 55 points of damage, and most slowly - a diamond cuirass, 528 damage.