/ / How to clear virtual memory, and why it should be done

How to clear virtual memory, and why it should be done

Пользователи персональных компьютеров должны to know that there are not one, but several types of memory. Elementary concepts of this we are taught at the first lessons of computer science at school. So, many probably remember that in addition to the computer's RAM, there is also virtual memory. This concept is inherent in most modern operating systems. Its wide distribution can easily be explained by its low cost and at the same time considerable advantages. After all, virtual memory helps to increase the performance of the CPU without unnecessary costs. What is she like?

Currently, many computers use 32or 64 megabytes of RAM. For a single execution of many programs this is a catastrophically small amount. We used to do several things at the same time, and therefore often run the browser along with the mail services, adding to the music player and text editor. Running all together, these programs cause a big load on the processor, and there is not enough RAM for them. If there were no virtual analogue in the system, it would be necessary to close unnecessary processes.

Principle of operation

Суть работы виртуальной памяти в данном случае is as follows: the computer searches the RAM for data that has not been used for a long time, and creates their copies on the hard disk. This, in turn, will free up additional space that will be used to download new programs and applications. The very process of copying occurs in an automatic mode, which means that users do not even know about it. Or they think that the memory in their computer will be enough for a hundred or more applications. In fact, every access to virtual memory reduces performance.

Если это происходит нечасто, то владелец computer just does not notice the slowing down of the car. But the constant use of virtual memory can significantly affect the work. Therefore, such an important condition for good performance was and will be the amount of "RAM". If it is enough, then the slowdown is less damaging: we see only a short pause when changing tasks. Also, to preserve performance and privacy, users need to know how to clear virtual memory.

Why this is necessary

When working, virtual memory uses socalled a swap file. It stores all collected data about the computer and its owner. This is quite risky, since especially dangerous viruses can get to it. Therefore, in order to prevent undesirable consequences and protect yourself from the threat, it is so important to remember how to clean up virtual memory. It is best to do it periodically.

How to clear Windows XP virtual memory

В этой системе существует функция, позволяющая carry out automatic cleaning of memory, but initially it is disabled. In order not to carry out a tedious procedure manually (especially since you have to do it all the time), it would be wise to take advantage of this built-in function. So, how to clear virtual memory in the Windows system.

Для начала необходимо перейти через пусковое меню in the control panel. There we need the “administration” icon. Clicking on it twice with the left mouse button opens a new window. In it you need to find the tab of the local security policy and go through it. The opened window will have the name “Local Security Settings”. In it, we will again select local policies and security settings.

Here attention needs to be paid to the option."Shut down: clear virtual memory paging file". Clicking on it with the right mouse button, select properties. There are only two positions here, we change them to included and we save our choice. Now we know how to clear virtual memory. It remains to restart the computer two times (!) For the changes to take effect: then the paging file will be automatically cleared.

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